"If we go around the Russian border line, then we can see that basically all the countries bordering Russia are, in this way, endangered," said Nestro, who is also acting chief of staff for government affairs. Formerly a territory conquered by the Russian Empire, Latvia had t...
In this part we will see the Baptism of Rus', and the times of Tsarist Russia, the USSR, a flight into space and it all ends with our time.The 2nd part of the show is dedicated to the national dances of the peoples of Russia: the Far North, Siberia, the Caucas...
While Napoleon had been weakened by Russia, he believed that the other European countries were too distrustful of each other to ally against him. In early 1813, he decided to advance into the German provinces to resume his offensive. Just as he had done before, he planned to defeat each ar...
Some developing countries may have high standards of living, while others vice versa. These countries are not as well represented in many aspects because of their so-called status–may it be politically, socially or culturally. Even in designs, most of the famous graphic designers hail from firs...
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Post) Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts contends CV19 and vaccines to cure it are all part of the “Going Direct Reset.” Fitts explains, “This is so simple at