As alluniversities require that students give credit to the authors of the evidencethey use to support the arguments within their essays and other assignments.Most schools within the University require that students use the Harvard systemof referencing (citation). This is a guide to that system giv...
Sometimes the work that you are referring to has two or three authors. In such cases, the following format is used for in-text citation in Harvard style:Citation structure (two authors): (Author 1 Surname and Author 2 Surname, Publication Year, p. nn)...
When referencing a source that has two authors, the reference should have the names of both the authors. For in-text citations, include the surnames of both authors and the year published. For references, the surname and first-name initial of each author is listed with “and” between them...
More than two authors:- Benneret al(1996) concludethat ... If more than one citation is referred to within a sentence, list them all in the following form, by date and then alphabetically:- There are indications that passive smoking is potentially threatening to the health...(Francomeand ...
Harvard Reference List Citations for Books with Two or More Authors When creating a citation that ... citation应该和 reference list 对应。 4. 一般来说学校不会强制规定多少reference符合要求,但是越多的reference越能证明论文的真实性,可靠性。 5. 引用时间务必多次确认。(我就犯过把引用时间写成了19xx年的错误) 6. reference list 应该在单独的一页,每一个reference都是新的一行。
citation refers to ideas that occur throughout an article or book, there is no need to include the page numbers within your in-text citation. The following examples will illustrate: For a work by a single author or editor For works by two authors or editors, include both in your citation...
Harvard_citation_style_-_All_examples_table Harvard citation style – All examples In-text citations Two or more works cited at one point in the text If two or more works by different authors or authoring bodies are cited at one point in the text, use a semi-colon to separate them:(...
This guide has been adapted, with permission, from the Bournemouth University Guide to citation (September 2011) 1 | Page2(General Guidelines)3Authors, Originators, Dates 3Letters, emails and interviews 4(General Guidelines)Quotations, pagination, paraphrasing 4Tables, figures, diagrams & images 5...
文内引用(Citation/In-text Reference)文内引用比较简单,在所有引用的语句之后,在小括号中标明文献第...