《哈利波特》同人作品库HarryPotterFanfiction.com将被搬运至Archive of Our Own - AO3(AO3作品库)🎉 HarryPotterFanfiction.com创建于2001年,截至2021年包含了来自接近40000名作者的超过85000篇作品。因为HPF...
In this paper I look at how gender is performed in fanfiction, specifically in gender-swap stories within the Harry Potter fandom. Fanfiction is not constr
I'm looking for a Harry Potter fanfiction where Harry time travels to the Marauder's time and pretends to be James Potter's cousin. All I remember is that he kept everything a secret until baby Harry was born, then he told the Marauder's and Lily that he was actually James and Lily...
图书The Armchair Guide to Fan Fiction and Fandoms, Including Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Firefly, and More 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
Find news about the Harry Potter books, movies, spinoffs, show, J.K. Rowling controversy, Fantastic Beasts series & more - Culturess
Harry Potter triumphed over Lord Voldemort in their final battle, but peace was short-lived. Though Voldemort was defeated, Harry felt a deep, withering wound inside—his life was still in danger... Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Fantasy -Characters: Draco,George,Ginny,Harry,Hermione,Ron- Chapter...
Harry Potter Book 7Fanfiction Author's Forward I would like to share a bit about the events that precipitated the writing of Harry Potter and the Crucible of the Soul. In 1998, when there was no Harry Potter phenomenon, I heard of the J.K. Rowling book from my children. Their friends...
Epic Potterverse Fanfiction set in 1919 Antonia Sara Zenkevitch, Skip to Chapter 1 Go to Index of Chapters Disclaimer March 1917, a forest in Eastern Europe Seamus had seen how this would end. He raced through the tall pines, their sharp scent mingled with the smell of perspiration, lending...
Deutsche Übersetzung (German Translation) von “Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality” (HPMOR) pdflatextranslationgermanebookmobiepubfanfictionpotterharryharrypotterhpmorhpmor-de UpdatedDec 27, 2024 TeX MossPiglets/WizardWorldAPI Star22 ...