《哈利波特》同人作品库HarryPotterFanfiction.com将被搬运至Archive of Our Own - AO3(AO3作品库)🎉 HarryPotterFanfiction.com创建于2001年,截至2021年包含了来自接近40000名作者的超过85000篇作品。因为HPF...
Harry Potter Fan Fiction The #1 Harry Potter Fan Fiction board! Moderator:admin Posts: 10,910 Topics: 400 Last post:December 1, 2018, 02:13:41 AMRe: An unfortunate turn ...byPeterFas Harry Potter Fan Media Harry Potter inspired fan movies, art and computer generated animation. ...
Harry Potter Fanon Wiki Sign In Explore Fan Central Current ...thatthe firstHarry Potter fan-fiction was published in 1999? ...that the spellTempusis non-canon and solely used in fan-fiction? ...that the concept ofMagical Coreshas its origins and is only present in fanon?
The politics of children’s literature and the actors surrounding it have never been more visible than they are now, in the digital age. As one of the
Fictionalley- One of the largest collections of Harry Potter fanfiction and fan art Harry Potter Shop- Largest online shop of Harry Potter gadgets Ricksteves- Top sights where Harry Potter was filmed Harry Potter Universal Studios- The world of Harry Potter at US ...
I'm looking for a Harry Potter fanfiction where Harry time travels to the Marauder's time and pretends to be James Potter's cousin. All I remember is that he kept everything a secret until baby Harry was born, then he told the Marauder's and Lily that he was actually James and Lily...
Harry Potter fans love the stories, but the actual writing had its faults. Fans took to Reddit to share the elements that read like bad fanfiction.
The politics of children's literature and the actors surrounding it have never been more visible than they are now, in the digital age. As one of the first children's series to gain widespread popularity concurrently with the spread of the internet, the Harry Potter septet arrived on the ...
Harry Potter triumphed over Lord Voldemort in their final battle, but peace was short-lived. Though Voldemort was defeated, Harry felt a deep, withering wound inside—his life was still in danger... Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Fantasy -Characters: Draco,George,Ginny,Harry,Hermione,Ron- Chapter...