Harry Potter Wiki 22,149 pages Explore Main Page Discuss All Pages Community Interactive Maps Recent Blog Posts Books The Seven Novels Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry Potter and ...
Harry Potter Wiki is a database for J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books and movies, that anyone can edit.
From Harry Potter Wiki Welcome to theHarry Potter Wiki We arecurrently editing125articlessince5 July,2005. Help pages•Create a new page•Wiki tutorial April 2023:HBO Max announces a 'Harry Potter' TV show is being made into production. ...
LeWiki Harry Potterest une encyclopédie collaborative portant sur leWizarding World. Depuis sa création le25 octobre2007, le Wiki Harry Potter a été enrichi de466 976 modificationset héberge aujourd'hui9 354 articles. Le SavIeZ-voUS ?
Harry Potter HolidaysStudents could go home for certain holidays such as Christmas and Easter. The students who chose to remain were treated to a feast along with some of the faculty.[1] Hogwarts Christmas feast When Christmas holidays ended, classes would begin again. In Harry Potter's secon...
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Potions with Slughorn Potions With SlughornBehind the scenesPadma Patil, Dean Thomas, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, Ron Weasley, Lavender Brown, Leanne and Seamus Finnigan in Potions class, as seen only in the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the...
Harry Potter Wiki is a database for J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books and movies, that anyone can edit.
The year Harry Potter entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, there were forty students that started school. This seems to indicate a very low birth rate, or a very low number of witches and wizards in Great Britain and Ireland, or a combination of both. Also, J. K. Rowling ...
The Harry Potter Wiki has 1,783 images related to Hogwarts Legacy.This is the first Wizarding World media set primarily in Hogwarts that does not bear the "Harry Potter" title. On 16 September 2020, a trailer for Hogwarts Legacy was released. On 17 September 2020, Warner Bros. announced ...
Harry Potter Wiki Użytkownicy podobni do Ciebie oglądali Severus Snape Remus Lupin Gellert Grindelwald Hermiona Granger Albus Dumbledore Najważniejsze strony w tym tygodniu Zaklęcia z cyklu Harry Potter 1 Tom Marvolo Riddle 2 Harry Potter ...