After he graduated, Harry Potter would occasionally come to the class to give lectures on the subject.[35] HerbologyMain article: Herbology (class)Greenhouse Three, used for Herbology classes Herbology was the study of magical plants and fungi. Students learned how to properly care for and utilis...
In the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, many more students are shown to be in Harry's N.E.W.T. level Potions class than are mentioned in the book. The book specifically names Harry, Ron, and Hermione to be the only Gryffindors to have moved on to N.E.W...
Harry Potter HolidaysStudents could go home for certain holidays such as Christmas and Easter. The students who chose to remain were treated to a feast along with some of the faculty.[1] Hogwarts Christmas feast When Christmas holidays ended, classes would begin again. In Harry Potter's secon...
[2][6] However, it can be seen that he was very impatient and did not take the liberty of learning his students' names, calling Hermione Granger "Miss Grant", Parvati Patil "Miss Pennyfeather", Seamus Finnigan "O'Flaherty" and even the famous Harry Potter "Perkins". It's possible he ...
In an interview J. K. Rowling stated that 'Harry' had always been one of her favourite boy's names and that if her daughter had been a son she would have named him 'Harry', although then she would have to have come up with a different name for the books as it"would have been to...
功能 身歷其境體驗霍格華茲 準備進入霍格華茲魔法與巫術學院,開啟你在霍格華茲的學生生涯!以學生的身份完成霍格華茲七年的學業,學習飛行、變形、調製魔藥等等! 自行設計你的角色 透過遊戲的角色創造工具,自行建立你在遊戲中扮演的霍格華茲學生角色。從髮型到校外的休閒裝扮,你都可以自行設定你所扮演的角色的各項細節。
What's more, the students were 9 to write some famous words from Harry Potter and put them up on the wall. As the sentences said, "Working hard is important. But there is something that matters even more: believing in 10 ." These words were meaningful and made the students remember to...
While Draco Malfoy is typically categorized as a minor villain in theHarry Potterseries, he is a bright student and even became a Slytherin prefect. One of his best classes was potions, as he flourished under the tutorship of Professor Snape. While some could point to Malfoy's childhood as ...
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《【预订】350 Harry Potter Spells, Potions, Interesting Facts and Hogwarts Classes》,作者:,出版社:Independently Published。最新《【预订】350 Harry Potter Spells, Potions, Interesting Facts and Hogwarts Classes》简介、书评、
At the same time, Harry Potter became a student in Snape's classes, and the two of them disliked each other almost immediately. Harry's resemblance to his father and his acquired 'celebrity' status brought the worst out of Snape from their very first Potions lesson. Although Snape had ...