222 0 02:14 App 哈利波特 哈金Falling Around You - {Harry-Book!Ginny} 1719 4 03:47 App 【哈利波特】哈金Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley 1680 15 04:51 App (哈利波特)哈金(HP) Harry & Ginny -- You Always 1151 6 04:20 App 哈利波特 哈金Harry and Ginny- A Thousand Years 9934 0 00:17...
(Weasley Family - Harry Potter Wiki, n.d.) 我们知道,金妮是红发而哈利是一头黑发,那为什么金妮·韦斯莱(Ginny Weasley)与哈利·波特(Harry Potter)所生的女儿莉莉·卢娜·波特(Lily Luna Potter)也是一头红发呢? 原来尽管哈利是黑发,但他携带有来自母亲的突变基因。莉莉·波特(Lily Potter)可是在亲世代[iii]...
While it may seem obvious now that Harry and Ginny would eventually get together, looking back it was a long and, sometimes, awkward road.Here are eight sweet moments between Harry and Ginny to look back on. At King’s Cross Station In Philosopher’s Stone Ginny begged Mrs Weasley to let...
(Weasley Family - Harry Potter Wiki, n.d.) 我们知道,金妮是红发而哈利是一头黑发,那为什么金妮·韦斯莱(Ginny Weasley)与哈利·波特(Harry Potter)所生的女儿莉莉·卢娜·波特(Lily Luna Potter)也是一头红发呢? 原来尽管哈利是黑发,但他携带有来自母亲的突变基因。莉莉·波特(Lily Potter)可是在亲世代[iii]...
Love story of Harry Potter and Ginny WeasleyGinny WeasleyHarry Potter & the Philosophers Stone
金妮·韦斯莱(Ginny Weasley) 罗恩的妹妹和韦斯莱家族最年轻的成员。金妮是一个坚强而有才华的女巫,也是一个优秀的魁地奇演奏家。在《哈利·波特与混血王子》中,金妮王子开始走出她兄弟的阴影,与赫敏建立了亲密的友谊,并与迪恩·托马斯约会,尽管罗恩不赞成。虽然她多年来一直迷恋着哈利,但他今年只回报了她的感受,并...
Ginny Weasley 金妮·卫斯理 卫斯理家最小的幺妹,暗恋着哈利。 Molly Weasley 茉莉·卫斯理 荣恩的母亲,是个矮胖严厉的女人。 Percy Weasley 派西·卫斯理 荣恩的三哥,哈利入学时是葛来分多的级长。已毕业,进入魔法部工作。 Ron Weasley 荣恩·卫斯理 哈利的好友,来自卫斯理这个古老的魔法家族的幺子,满脸雀斑、大...
“’Your permission,’” scoffed Ginny. “Since when did you give me permission to do anything?” Related Characters:Ron Weasley(speaker),Ginny Weasley(speaker),Harry Potter Related Themes: Page Numberand Citation:536 Explanation and Analysis: ...
【哈利波特】(卢娜×金妮)Luna Lovegood || Ginny Weasley || Lovely 962 2 1:33 App 哈利波特 哈金Harry+Ginny -- Teenage Dream 618 4 3:10 App 哈利波特 哈金harry + ginny -- take what i can get 165 1 4:31 App 【哈利波特演员相关】10 Harry Potter Actors Who Became Super Attractive 144...
The air was suddenly thick with rumour[1] and suspicion[2]. The first-years were now moving around the castle in tight-knit groups, as though scared they would be attacked if they ventured[3] forth alone. Ginny Weasley, who sat next to Colin Creevey in Charms, was distraught[4], but...