来自澳大利亚JM. Craig是该领域研究的先驱,他于2005年8月在顶级麻瓜期刊Nature上发表了题为Harry Potter and the recessive allele的通信文章,这位麻瓜教授认为魔法是隐性遗传的(Harry Potter and the Recessive Allele | Nature, n.d.)。 他将麻瓜等位基因记为M,巫师等位基因记为W,在这对相对性状中M为显性,而W...
我们知道,金妮是红发而哈利是一头黑发,那为什么金妮·韦斯莱(Ginny Weasley)与哈利·波特(Harry Potter)所生的女儿莉莉·卢娜·波特(Lily Luna Potter)也是一头红发呢? 原来尽管哈利是黑发,但他携带有来自母亲的突变基因。莉莉·波特(Lily Potter)可是在亲世代[iii]有着天生红发的格兰芬多校花啊!据此我们合理判断莉莉...
Love story of Harry Potter and Ginny WeasleyGinny WeasleyHarry Potter & the Philosophers Stone
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone At the Burrow During Harry’s first visit to the Weasley home, Ginny was a little flustered. The moment she saw Harry, Ginny accidentally knocked her porridge bowl to the floor with a loud clatter. Ginny seemed very prone to knocking things over whe...
Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter got together after the events of the main story. Here's how the witch's family life and career evolved. As demonstrated byStranger Things, Sadie Sink would have been more than capable of bringing an older Ginny to life. Both Max and Ginny share an independent...
TheHarry Potter and the Half-Blood Princequotes below are all either spoken by Ginny Weasley or refer to Ginny Weasley. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one: ...
哈利·波特(Harry Potter) 小说的主人公是一个十几岁的巫师,在霍格沃茨学习,与邪恶的伏地魔勋爵战斗。自从哈利的父母莉莉和詹姆斯在婴儿期被伏地魔勋爵谋杀以来,他就一直是孤儿;他与抚养他的佩妮阿姨和弗龙叔叔关系不好,并依靠他的朋友罗恩和赫敏以及韦斯莱家族来支持和家庭感。由于他的背景和与伏地魔的多次相遇,哈利变...
而盛大的魁地奇场上,你对金色飞贼的执着,一如我对你的执着。 我收到了令我朝思暮想的霍格沃茨的通知书,不是 为了渴慕去触碰那个我早已熟谙的世界,而是在某个教室里,或者是魁地奇场地里,偶遇微笑的你。 我发誓我这一生都不会忘记那一天的幸福和惊喜,我在自己家的餐桌上看到了风尘仆仆的你,那个我朝思暮想无数...
波特家族 Harry Potter 哈利·波特 本书主角,额头上有一个闪电型的伤痕,从小父母双亡,寄居德思礼家。 James Potter 詹姆·波特 哈利的父亲,当年霍格华兹的学生会男主席,被佛地魔所杀。 Lily Potter 莉莉·波特 哈利的母亲,当年霍格华兹的学生会女主席,被佛地魔所杀。 食物 Acid Pops 酷酸果 可以在活米村『...
6. Harry and Ginny KissThe films don't really give the characters of Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) and Ginny Weasley (Bonnie Wright) a lot of screen time to evolve their relationship from friends to the married couple they are in the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows –Part 2 epilogue. Beca...