Thank you for your reply. Of course I am not sure of anything, in the first place because I am not a medical professional and in the second place because whatever it is that the lump is is under the skin, inside my body, so I can't see it, just attempt to feel it. Do you thi...
I stroked her hair with one hand and the other resting on her bowed back. I avidly watched the milky skin turn steadily darker, a sunset on a hot summer’s evening, when the vivid colors draw your enraptured gaze heavenward. “So that’s how you spank ...
Four days later I returned. I had already rented a place to stay the day after Ian that was further inland and had power and internet. Driving back, the closer I got, the worse the damage. Traffic lights were out. Most gas stations were still closed. Trees were down and structure after...
Judging by the number of you flying under false names and telling me for the love of heaven not to out you, there is a substantial legion that confesses progressivism from the lips out, while hating it in their breast. And the more they’re forced to confess it the more they hate it....
Dressed for the part (black suit and tie), Alex (Jason Ritter) adjusts his tie knot, flips through old books for a folded magazine article, putting the lump into his breast pocket, and proceeds to draw a bath, filling the tub decidedly halfway. The camera maintains an emotional distance...