youtube 这首歌和Cassie的情感路线适配的相当奇妙亢奋于我来说是个意识流美剧 但确实我对Cassie的心绪变化和人物刻画印象颇深“Everyone is turning on Cassie but she’s a good person who’s looking for love in the wrong people”微妙的是 我们每个人都有可能成为Cassie 世上并没有对爱意的区分 遍体鳞伤...
youtube 这首歌和Cassie的情感路线适配的相当奇妙亢奋于我来说是个意识流美剧 但确实我对Cassie的心绪变化和人物刻画印象颇深“Everyone is turning on Cassie but she’s a good person who’s looking for love in the wrong people”微妙的是 我们每个人都有可能成为Cassie 世上并没有对爱意的区分 遍体鳞伤...
Happiness is a butterfly Lana Del Rey 5 作词: Lana Del Rey/Jack Antonoff/rick 作曲: Lana Del Rey/Jack Antonoff/rick Do you want me or do you not你想和我在一起吗,还是算了吧 I heard one thing now I'm hearing another坏事接踵而至 Dropped a pin to my parking spot我在停车场丢了一颗别...
Happiness is a butterfly - Lana Del Rey Do you want me or do you not I heard one thing now I'm hearing another Dropped a pin to my parking spot The bar was hot it's 2 am it feels like summer Happiness is a butterfly Try to catch it like every night It escapes from...
Lana Del Rey《Happiness is a butterfly》KHappiness is a butterfly @QQ音乐今早看到推送消息说今天是NFR发行三周年还愣了一下,想着怎么就三年了,然后意识到时间真是过得比我想象的还要快那么一点。🦋《Happiness is a butterfly》是我听第一首NFR的收录曲。诗一般的歌词,悲伤但克制的叙事感。虚渺轻缓的,...
Lana Del Rey - Happiness is a butterfly
Lana Del Rey "Happiness Is A Butterfly": Do you want me or do you not? I heard one thing, now I'm hearing another Dropped a pin to my parking...
《泄曲天后 Lana Del Rey 新专诗集《Happiness Is a Butterfly 》试听片段曝光!》MV在线看! 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!诗意的歌名:幸福像一只蝴蝶
Lana Del Reylogged on to Twitter last night to share a clip of a new song called “Happiness Is a Butterfly.” She first shouted out butterflies earlier this month when she tweeted an inspirational quote that’s sometimesfalsely attributedto Nathaniel Hawthorne or Henry David Thoreau: ...