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网易云音乐发现音乐 我的音乐 关注 商城 音乐人 云推歌 下载客户端 登录 创作者中心 音乐/视频/电台/用户 现在支持搜索MV啦~ 推荐 排行榜 歌单 主播电台 歌手 新碟上架上一首 播放/暂停 下一首 00:00 / 00:00 收藏 分享 0
Happiness is a butterfly - Lana Del Rey Do you want me or do you not I heard one thing now I'm hearing another Dropped a pin to my parking spot The bar was hot it's 2 am it feels like summer Happiness is a butterfly Try to catch it like every night It escapes from...
youtube 这首歌和Cassie的情感路线适配的相当奇妙亢奋于我来说是个意识流美剧 但确实我对Cassie的心绪变化和人物刻画印象颇深“Everyone is turning on Cassie but she’s a good person who’s looking for love in the wrong people”微妙的是 我们每个人都有可能成为Cassie 世上并没有对爱意的区分 遍体鳞伤...
Happiness is a butterfly - Lana Del Rey Do you want me or do you not I heard one thing now I'm hearing another Dropped a pin to my parking spot The bar was hot it's 2 am it feels like summer Happiness is a butterfly Try to catch it like every night It escapes from...
Lana Del Rey - Happiness is a Butterfly Written by:Rick Nowels、Jack Antonoff、Lana Del Rey Produced by:Lana Del Rey、Jack Antonoff Do you want me or do you not你想得到我 还是不想得到我 I heard one thing now I'm hearing another我曾听到一件事 现在我又听到另一件事 Dropped a ...
曲谱介绍:《Happiness is a butterfly》是lana del rey演唱的一首歌曲,由Lana Del Rey/rick/Jack Antonoff作词,Lana Del Rey/rick/Jack Antonoff作曲,本首曲子是中等难度的D调钢琴歌谱(带和弦),适合有一定基础的同学学习哟希望大家天天开心,听音乐不生病。(持续分享各种流派好音乐,如果喜欢就请收藏关注吧,这对我...
【Lana Del Rey】——Happiness is a butterfly少女病过剩 立即播放 打开App,看更多精彩视频100+个相关视频 更多 35 0 00:15 App Playing their guitars, only one of my toys. 2622 0 00:13 App 【Lana Del Rey】雷妈妈。。。你给我看了什么。。。我好热。。。 1956 0 00:16 App [Lana Del ...