Tal Ben-Shahar (沙哈尔),是美国哈佛大学教授“积极心理学”和“领袖心理学”课程的讲师。在哈佛大学和剑桥大学学习哲学和心理学。他的书在全球20多个国家和地区翻译出版,2002年,当他第一次在哈佛开这门课时,只有8个学生报名,其中还有2人中途退课。但到了第2年,由于学生们口耳相传,一下子就有380个...
Grounded in the revolutionary “positive psychology” movement, Ben-Shahar ingeniously combines scient... (展开全部) Happier的创作者· ··· 泰勒•本-沙哈尔作者 作者简介· ··· Tal Ben-Shahar is the New York Times Bestselling author of Happier. He taught the most popular course in Harvard...
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Happier (eBook)BenShahar, Tal
Tal Ben Shahar - Happier 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 Can You Learn to Be Happy? YES . . . according to the teacher of Harvard University’s most popular and life-changing course. One out of every five Harvard students has lined up to hear Tal Ben-Shahar’s insightful and inspiring lectures on...
作者: Tal Ben-Shahar 著 出版社: Mcgraw-Hill 出版时间: 2009-08 ISBN: 9780071638036 定价: 192.00 装帧: 平装 开本: 其他 纸张: 其他 页数: 224页 正文语种: 英语 内容简介: Inthisweek-by-weekguidedjournal,TalBen-Shaharoffersafullyear'sworthofexercisestoinspirehappinesseveryday.Usingthe...
Tal Ben Shahar - Happier 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 Can You Learn to Be Happy? YES . . . according to the teacher of Harvard University’s most popular and life-changing course. One out of every five Harvard students has lined up to hear Tal Ben-Shahar’s insightful and inspiring lectures on...
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《更快乐!HAPPIER ASIA ED》,作者:Tal Ben-Shahar 著,出版社:Oversea Publishing House。最新《更快乐!HAPPIER ASIA ED》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在DangDang.com,网购《更快乐!HAPPIER ASIA ED》,就上当当网。
Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar taught Harvard University’s most popular course (in the Spring of 2006): a course on Positive Psychology; that is, he taught his students how to be happy. The course, called PSY 1504 – Positive Psychology, was described as follows: “The course focuses on the psychol...
Growing up in Israel, Tal Ben-Shahar wanted to be the best squash player in the world. He turned pro at a young age and quickly rose up the ranks. Then a strange thing happened, he achieved his dream, but crashed hard, realizing it didn’t make him feel how he thought it would. ...