Y-DNA Hapl..这个C3e-z1338 分布图是韩国网友之作,没有说明数据来源,纯属主观臆造,严重偏离事实,不足为信!C3e-z1338 超大标本量-东亚分布图,大体符合客观事实,可靠性更高!
History and description of Haplogroup N1c (Y-chromosomal DNA) and its subclades. Haplogroup N1c is the main Uralic lineage, found chiefly among the Finns, Sami, Volga-Ural ethnic groups and Baltic people, and to a lower extent also Slavic and Germanic pe
单倍群C-M130(英语:Haplogroup C-M130)是人类Y染色体DNA单倍群之一,与单倍群F同为单倍群CF的两个支系之一。 目录 1 起源与分布 2 系统树 3 参见 4 参考文献起源与分布单倍群C大约于距今6万年前出现,应在M...
HaplogroupR1a(Y-DNA) 单倍群r1a是进化的主要分支的人类Y染色体脱氧核糖核酸单倍群。换句话说, 它是一种方式分组的一个重要部分的所有现代人根据共同的祖先,男线。这是在 许多地区的欧亚大陆,经常讨论在人类群体遗传学和遗传系谱。一个sub-clade (分公司)的r1a,目前指定的r1a1a,是较为普遍比其他所有主要地理区域...
Analysis of ancient mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosomal DNA samples from the Yamna, Corded Ware, Unetice, Catacomb, Srubna and Andronovo cultures in Europe and Central Asia.
Distribution of European Y-chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) haplogroups by country in percentageLast update : June 2017 (revised Cyprus, Czech Republic, Romania and Iran) Tip : You can now access this page by typing directly ydna.eu into your browser. Human Y-chromosome DNA can be divided in geneal...
Y haplogroups What follows is the first in a series of two essays, covering human haplogroups, their origins and current distributions. According to geneticists, no more than 90% of existing human mtDNA and yDNA haplogroups has been precisely identified. One theory is that the missing 10% ...
HaplogroupR1b(Y-DNA)Haplogroup R1b (Y-DNA)在人类遗传学,单倍群r1b是最经常发生的Y染色体单倍型类群在西欧,部分中央欧亚大陆(例如巴什基尔[ 3 ]),并在撒哈拉以南非洲中部(例如在乍得和喀麦隆)。r1b也是目前在较低频率的整个东欧,西亚,中亚,和部分南亚和北非。由于欧洲移民也达到高频率在美洲和澳大利亚...
As part of the applied material for the study of historical migration and their relationship with historical events in the territory of central Eurasia, the authors investigated the haplogroup C-L1370 of Ychromosome DNA. Where through kinship in the direct paternal (male) genetic line, on the ...