于是 Hanky Panky 的名字就被叫开了。” The Savoy Cocktail Book 摘录的配方如下: 两份金酒,两份甜味美思酒,Hanky Panky 基本是 Sweet Martini 再加上两滴 Fernet Branca。有意思的是,当你将金酒和甜味美思酒混合,得到的味道比较苦,加了苦味的 Fernet Branca 之后甜味反而变得明显。 总体来说它是橙子、...
当Charles Hawtrey再次光临时,她用这款新鸡尾酒向他致敬。他尝了一口后,据说一口气就把整杯酒喝光了,并大声说:“Bye Jove!That's the real hanky-panky!”从那天起,这款鸡尾酒就被命名为Hanky Panky。🍹 配方: 金酒:45ml 甜味美思:20ml 非奈特布兰卡:5ml0 0 发表评论 发表 作者最近动态 艾玛娃哈哈 2024...
Hanky Panky酒吧探秘 斯图cocktail bar: Hanky Panky 本周新去的鸡尾酒吧:Hanky Panky。 酒吧的位置蛮隐蔽的,一开始我们跟着导航结果差点走到了居民楼里,后来才发现它其实在居民楼下,要顺着侧边长长的楼梯往下走。 酒单很有特色,除了常规的酒单,还有根据鸡尾酒诞生历史列成的酒单,据说他们完全复制于百年前的鸡尾酒配...
HANKY PANKY COCKTAIL. 2 Dashes Fernet Branca. ½ Italian vermouth. ½ Dry gin. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. Squeeze orange peel on top. Harry Craddock, 1930 Coley was quoted in London newspapers around the time of her retirement, including theDaily Newson 21st December 1925 ...
On one occasion, Coleman responded with a sweet Martini livened with a splash of Fernet-Branca (a bitter Italian amaro), which Hawtrey called, “the real hanky-panky.” To this day, the drink remains Coleman’s most famous invention. Print Save Ingredients Serving: 1 1 1/2 ounces gin ...
科尔曼用甜美的马天尼酒来回响,撒上一点Fernet Branca(一种苦味浓郁的意大利阿马罗),霍特里称其为“真正的hanky panky(当时这个词在英格兰语中意“魔术”或“巫术”)”。至今,这款调酒仍是科尔曼最著名的创作。 在2015年,它被国际饮品杂志列为最畅销的50种鸡尾酒之一 ...
Yield:1 cocktail 13 ratings Save Recipe A sweetgin martini, the hanky panky is a delightful cocktail that's sure to tantalize your taste buds. The star of this recipe is Fernet-Branca, that distinct herbal Italiandigestivothat is often taken as a straight shot called "the bartender's handsh...
This Hanky Panky cocktail recipe swaps out the typical two dashes of Fernet-Branca for a half-ounce of Brooklyn-born Arcane Fernet.
Hanky Panky这款酒是Ada Coleman艾达·科尔曼在Savoy酒店任职时,为当时一位喜剧演员霍特雷创作的一款鸡尾酒。Hanky Panky也是科尔曼的代表作,被无数调酒师和酒客所热爱。 科尔曼曾在1925年向英国《人民报》讲述了Hanky Panky创作背后的故事: 已故的查尔斯·霍特里是我认识的最好的鸡尾酒评委之一。几年前,当他工作过度...
The taste was just like a hanky-panky cocktail of gin, Italian vermouth and fernet served in a glass filled with cracked ice and garnished with orange peel. At two years of age, we combined selected casks from the same distillery into a variety of different casks to develop further. This...