药学辅料手册Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients(6th,2009)6-4 星级: 160 页 药学辅料手册Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients(6th,2009)6-3 星级: 150 页 药学辅料手册Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients(6th,2009)6-2 星级: 145 页 Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients 药物实验手册 2 星级: ...
本数据库为药用辅料手册(Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients)在线版,为目前最权威的药用辅料专著。可在线查询各辅料专论全文。
本数据库基于 药用辅料手册(The Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients,原著第六版)设计,该手册由全球药物制剂辅料生产技术的专家共同编写而成,为国际公认的具有权威性和综合性的药用辅料工具书。本手册对收载的辅料品目作了系统介绍,并附有全面详尽的参考文献,数据丰富、参考性强、使用方便:①汇集了包括辅料物理性质的...
tablet binder.7 Applications in Pharmaceutical Formulation orTechnologyLiquid glucose is used as a base in oral solutions and syrups and alsoas a granulating and coating agent in tablet manufacture. In sugarsolutions for tablet coating, liquid glucose is used to retard thecrystallization of the sucros...
药学辅料手册Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients(6th2009)6-5 热度: 相关推荐 LD 50 (mouse,IP):0.52g/kg (12) LD 50 (mouse,oral):3.0g/kg 15HandlingPrecautions Observenormalprecautionsappropriatetothecircumstancesand quantityofmaterialhandled.Ethylparabenmaybeirritanttothe skin,eyes,andmucousmembranes,an...
出版年:2009-8 页数:944 定价:$ 836.20 ISBN:9780853697947 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 内容简介· ··· "The Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients" is internationally recognised as the authoritative source of information on pharmaceutical excipients. "The Handbook...
Handbook of pharmaceutical excipients: 2nd ednP.F. D'ArcyWade A, Weller PJ (1995) Hand book of pharmaceutical excipients, 2nd edn. Pharmaceutical Press, London, p 199
数据库说明:本数据库基于 药用辅料手册(The Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients,原著第六版)设计,该手册由全球药物制剂辅料生产技术的专家共同编写而成,为国际公认的具有权威性和综合性的药用辅料工具书。本手册对收载的辅料品目作了系统介绍,并附有全面详尽的参考文献,数据丰富、参考性强、使用方便:①汇集了...
not exceeding 258Cin well-filled airtight containers protected from light.Stability and Storage Conditions12Castor oil is incompatible with strong oxidizing agents.Incompatibilities13Castor oil is the fixed oil obtained by cold-expression of the seeds ofRicinus communis Linne ´ (Fam. Euphorbiaceae)....
药学辅料手册Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients(6th,2009)6-4 热度: 药学辅料手册Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients(6th,2009)6-2 热度: 药学辅料手册Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients(6th,2009)6-5 热度: Casestudyof readmoreat F .pharmpress.rpsgb ...