Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients, 6th Edition 下载积分: 3500 内容提示: ???最新资料最新资料 文档格式:PDF | 页数:918 | 浏览次数:186 | 上传日期:2020-10-28 13:08:13 | 文档星级: ???
has been reported.(4)LD50(chicken, oral): 3.72g/kg(5)LD50(guinea pig, oral): 1.41g/kgLD50(mouse, oral): 0.85g/kgLD50(mouse, SC): 0.82g/kgLD50(rabbit, oral): 1.62g/kgLD50(rat, oral): 1.41g/kg15Observe normal precautions appropriate to the circumstances andquantity of material handl...
excipientspharmaceutical药学辅料ethylparabenfructose LD 50 (mouse,IP):0.52g/kg (12) LD 50 (mouse,oral):3.0g/kg 15HandlingPrecautions Observenormalprecautionsappropriatetothecircumstancesand quantityofmaterialhandled.Ethylparabenmaybeirritanttothe skin,eyes,andmucousmembranes,andshouldbehandledinawell ventilated...
Pharmaceutical Excipients IR Library:药用辅料的红外光谱库 药物颗粒化技术Drugs And The Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol 154:Handbook of Pharmaceutical Granulation Technology(2nd,2005)5-2 The Textbook of Pharmaceutical Medicine 6th Edition-[6]-[John P Griffin] Handbook of Pharmaceutical Analysis (Drugs and th...
Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients, 6th edition, 326- 629.Raymond C Rowe, Paul J Sheskey and Martin E Quinn, Hand book of Pharmaceutical excipients 6th edition.C. Rowe, P. J. Sheskey, P. J. Weller, Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients 4th Edition, Pharmaceutical Press, London, UK, ...