hand and foot Thesaurus Medical Legal Financial Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia hand A. phalanges B. metacarpals C. carpals (hănd) n. 1. a.The terminal part of the human arm located below the forearm, used for grasping and holding and consisting of the wrist, palm, four fingers, and an ...
a. Anatomy Any of the membranous tubes that form a branching system and carry blood to the heart from the cells, tissues, and organs of the body. b. A blood vessel of any kind; a vein or artery: felt the blood pounding in her veins. c. Something that looks like a blood vessel, ...
arm, and hand function. When these injuries do not recover, or attempts at nerve reconstructions fail to restore various functions of the upper extremity, patients are often left quite limited in their daily lives. Tendon transfers have been established in the hand and ...
the back of the hand 美 英 un.手背 英汉 un. 1. 手背 释义: 全部,手背
The radial artery and vein were identified as recipient vascular sites. The skin paddle flap was harvested carefully, ensuring all layers of the subcutis and fascia were lifted. The proximal end of the vascular located in the triangular space was ligated and cut. An incision was made on the ...
. Identify puncture locations through palpation of the veins at both lower arm and hand. . Venipuncture practice in superficial vein of the lower arm. . Vein roll-over Features ·Realism: Realistic appearance and anatomy ·Key Features:
vein system has only one blood bag, which can provide simulated blood to all veins at the same time. Intramuscular injections can be performed at the deltoid muscle and intradermal injection sites in the upper arm. The s...
A drill hole was created at the highest point of the anterior superior iliac spine on the same side as the fracture, and a tracer was installed. The robot-specific C-arm X-ray machine scanned the image and transmitted it to the robot computer system. Based on the scan results, the ...
[]theanatomyoftheskinandsubcutaneoustissue;acupoint inpalmardigital Thedistributionofthedorsaldigitalbranchofthenerveand thedorsaldigitalvein. [indications]deafness,toothache,sorethroat,swollenjaw, glaucoma, Numbnessoffingers,fever,coma. [pointforexample][distributionoftoocoldsyndrome ...
Surgical exploration revealed the complete occlusion of the radial artery in the distal forearm for about 8cm long and also of the ulnar artery in the palm. The thrombosed segments were resected. The great saphenous vein was taken from the thigh andgrafted in both arteries under the microscope....