6. Blood Vessels: Arteries and veins supply and drain the pelvic organs. 7. Innervation: Nerves from the lumbosacral trunk, lumbar plexus, sacral plexus, and coccygeal plexus innervate the pelvis. ## In Summary The abdomen and pelvis form an intricate network of organs, each contributing to ou...
Heart is right in the centre between the two lungs and above the diaphragm in the ribcage. The narrow end of the roughly triangular heart is pointed to the left side and during working the contraction of the heart is most powerful at this end giving a feeling of the hear...
ENARM NEET Create your free account Continue Learning The Lecturio Medical Concept Library Pelvis: Anatomy The pelvis consists of the bony pelvic girdle, the muscular and ligamentouspelvic floorPelvic floorSoft tissue formed mainly by the pelvic diaphragm, which is composed of the two levator ani ...
The mammary gland is made up of lobules -- glandular structures that produce milk in females when stimulated to do so. The lobules drain into a system of ducts, connecting channels that transport the milk to the nipple. Between the glandular tissue and ducts, the breast contains fat tissue a...