36. Cat's paw or your forehead hit the keyboard, and now you can't find Netlogger or the SDR's on your screen 37. Failure to mute SDR's or forgot to disable "Monitor" mode, resulting in feedback 38. Forgetting to relax and enjoy the morning with friends 39. Relaxing a bit too ...
but I was making a lot of contacts on six, trying to work countries and grids. The state I was missing was Utah, which is adjacent to my state of Colorado. I know I had worked Utah before
I knew I did it with my little radio and that was good enough for me.This is where I actually stopped and realized that I have accomplished my challenge. At least I have made it to a milestone, a major milestone. At that time I had well over 60 DXCC countries worked with the little...
I found your blog and think the following link will interest you: http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/ This is a webbased radio, usable for more than 100 users at the same time. The sdr-radio covers 9 amateur bands at this moment… ’73 from Martin Groenendaal zol says: October 2,...