Bill Bradford - Salt Lake City, Utah, USA - DN40bp - bill at
Radio, then graduated into Amateur Radio. I too love building antennas, and i just wanted tell you that i’m very impressed with your designs. Thanks and take care! Best 73’s! De, Jeff Anglesey/KB7TJM Salt Lake City, Utah USA Grid Sq. DN30XP Valdeci PU2VKA says: June 19, 2011 ...
Christmas on Temple Square in Salt Lake City Courtesy of Temple Square Christmas on Temple Square in Salt Lake City Starting the day after Thanksgiving, Temple Square in Salt Lake City becomes decked out with a plethora of Christmas displays. Anyone can take in thelife-size nativity scene, the...
radio house 1 Radnorshire 2 railcar 2 railing 1 railroad 20 railroad station 10 railroad terminal 10 railway 13 railway terminal 10 rain 34 rain boots 3 rain drops 6 rainbow 4 raincoat 6 raindrop 4 raindrops 20 raindrops green 2 raindrops wallpaper 4 raining 5 ra...
‘hex beam’ basically a wet noodle on 80. Dean set me up with the wrong antenna and I was to sleepy to check. We also had just gone through a radio black out so I assumed the band was pretty bad. Anyway, what was truely amazing was the Elecraft KAT 500 matched into the wet ...
Here’s Why Maryland Residents May Not See Snow Removal Related Salt On Roads Baltimore, MD - Feb. 11, 2025 - Marylanders might notice there isn’t as much salt on the roads as in the past. This is part of the Maryland Department of the Environment’s efforts to reduce the use of...