WL7E's Ham Radio Page WL7E
WL7E's Ham Radio Page WL7E
This is a very common question with a very simple answer. Most radio stations broadcast their signals out into the world for folks like you and me to pick up on our radio receivers. Both of these are examples of 1-way radios. Your receiver can’t send a signal back to the radio stati...
Using the OpenDHT library, mvoice now joins a special digital voice, ham-radio DHT network to discover reflector and repeater destinations directly. For these target systems using the DHT, connection information is published and updated directly by the target and is available to mvoice in near-real...
An ARRL affiliated association of licensed ham radio operators who share an interest in Recreational Vehicles (RV enthusiasts). This site has information about our club and rv rallies, ham radio nets, Hamfests, campgrounds, and history of the RV Radio Ne
NOAA weather stations usually have ham radio operators and equipment on board at you local weather station to monitor the "spotter ham radio frequencies" so they can get the severe weather reports out to the public much faster. Many "eyes" on the ground are much better than radar in many ...
Recently, however, I was trying to dig up information on a field antenna design and the search results lead me to two articles and discussions on two of the most popular ham radio sites on the internet. I read through the comments and (you might have guessed) was really disappointed with...
Every night thousands of men retreat to radio stations elaborately outfitted in suburban basements or tucked into closets of city apartments to talk to local friends or to strangers on the other side of the world. They communicate by speaking into a microphone, tapping out Morse code on a tel...
If you have a manual tuner you have to play with 2 knobs one called "tune" the other called "load" or other names . You look at the SWR meter on the tuner while transmitting and hopefully you can get SWR down to near 1 to 1 to look good to your radio or amplifier, so it has...
Field Day is a great way to learn about amateur radio. Local Clubs get together (there are over 700,000 amateur radio operators (hams) in the USA) and for 24 hours setup and operate ham radio stations - it is a way of practicing for emergencies and introducing ham radio to people ...