Using the OpenDHT library, mvoice now joins a special digital voice, ham-radio DHT network to discover reflector and repeater destinations directly. For these target systems using the DHT, connection information is published and updated directly by the target and is available to mvoice in near-real...
7.A licensed amateur radio operator. v.hammed,ham·ming,hams v.intr. To exaggerate or overdo a dramatic role; overact. To exaggerate or overdo (a dramatic role, for example). Idiom: ham it up To act or perform in an exaggerated, often intentionally broadly humorous or ridiculous...
WL7E's Ham Radio Page WL7E
e.g. I became a ham radio operator at the age of eleven. 我在11岁时成了一名业余无线电操作员。 3.蹩脚演员;表演过火的演员 A ham actor is someone who acts badly, exaggerating every emotion and gesture. 4.(常指演员故意地)表演过火,夸张做作 ...
WL7E's Ham Radio Page WL7E
Amateur (Ham) radio website with information for those who want to be a ham radio operator, new ham and general information for the seasoned ham radio operator. License Study Material, Practice tests, practice code, antenna design, lots of ham radio info
An ARRL affiliated association of licensed ham radio operators who share an interest in Recreational Vehicles (RV enthusiasts). This site has information about our club and rv rallies, ham radio nets, Hamfests, campgrounds, and history of the RV Radio Ne
A volunteer, FCC-licensed Amateur Radio operator will pick up your message from this web site and then send it, by Amateur Radio, over the air to other volunteers in the National Traffic System. The message will be received by a ham who lives in or near your recipient's city. Then, th...
What is a 2-Way Radio? This is a very common question with a very simple answer. Most radio stations broadcast their signals out into the world for folks like you and me to pick up on our radio receivers. Both of these are examples of 1-way radios. Your receiver can’t send a sign...
Hamalso had a sports slang sense of "incompetent pugilist" (1888), perhaps from the notion inham-fisted. The notion of "amateurish" led to the sense of "amateur radio operator" (1919). also from1882 ham(v.) "over-act in performance," 1933, fromham(n.2). Related:Hammed;hamming. ...