telnet DX Cluster + RBN EA2 DXcluster MAP cluster.gautxori.comWeb interface (no RBN) (more info here) DATA EA HF Bandplan IARU R1 Bands Repeaters DXCC Entities
KLog is a multiplatform free hamradio logger. It runs natively on Linux, macOS and Windows. gplv3loggeramateur-radiofreeqslhamradiolotwdxclusterradioamateur UpdatedJan 31, 2025 C++ Load more… Improve this page Add a description, image, and links to thehamradiotopic page so that developers can...
website is much faster; google map and VOACAP are loaded after request callsign not found page now shows VOACAP info too HamQTH has also a U.S. address, courtesy of WC4R29 Jun 2014, 19:15 UTC added My spots to DX Cluster which shows only spots where you were sp... Anominen sujuu seuraavasti: lataa sivustolla oleva dokumenttiamatoortaotlus.rtfkoneellesi täytä lomake:perekonnanimi= sukunimi,eesnimed= etunimet,sugu= mies/nainen,sünniaeg= syntymäpäivä,...
Amateur radio resources: ham radio software, hamfest calendar, call sign search, weather, links, maidenhead map with bearing, distance and grid, Amature Radio News and even games.
You can have the location of the currently transmitting NCDXF/IARU beacon displayed on the map as well. These beacons are run by ham radio operators around the world, and can be used to determine radio propagation conditions between your location and that part of the world. You can also pl...
Cluster monitor(v1.2.2) A tool for monitoring telnet clusters and popularweb-clusterservicefrom OH9W/OH2AQRadio Club. Platform: CwType(v2.35) The terminal programfor CW-operators. Its user can transmit both from the keyboard and from a paddle connected to serial, game or LPT port. ...
Cluster monitor (v1.2.2) A tool for monitoring telnet clusters and popular web-cluster service from OH9W/OH2AQ Radio Club. Platform:Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10 CwType (v2.35) The terminal program for CW-operators. Its user can transmit both from the keyboard and from a pad...
- W - .WA9WSL - Indian Hill Amateur Radio Club (IHARC) Lisle, ILWADSWORTH SALES HOME PAGEWD4NGB DX PageWEBSDR.ORGWeather CamsWelcome to Map QuestWHO IS LOOKUP Will County Sheriff's Office Home PageWill County, Illinois (IL) Scanner\ Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference...
Cluster monitor(v1.2.2) A tool for monitoring telnet clusters and popularweb-clusterservicefrom OH9W/OH2AQRadio Club. Platform: CwType(v2.35) The terminal programfor CW-operators. Its user can transmit both from the keyboard and from a paddle connected to serial, game or LPT port. ...