NG3K Amateur Radio Contest/DX Page.- Loads of DX, DXpedition, and Contest Information N0HR Amateur Radio/DX Pages OH2BUA DX/Contest Pages- DX-Spots from PacketClusters PA3BWK-- The Ultimate CW Site QSL Lookup-- CallBooks, Managers, DXpedition Logs, QSL Tips, Burros, IRC's, Green Stam...
7 Magnetic Loop Antennas for 7 MHz Beginner's Guides Beginner's Guides Ham Radio Frequencies Amateur radio enthusiasts utilize specific frequency bands allocated globally for communication. From Low Frequency (LF) to Very-High Frequencies (VHF), each band has distinct characteristics and propagation co...
This cluster is widely used by radio amateurs and SWL enthusiasts to find the DX "treasures" on the bands. You can use one of the two web clusters we provide or choose a DXSpider (telnet) server from our list. You can also manually add your own DXSpider server address. ...
MacLoggerDX can be configured to use Apple’s or Eudora to automatically e-mail you whenever an unusual DX location appears in the DX Clusters. Moreover, MacLoggerDX is an simple to use and powerful radio spot tuner that features extended support for the microHAM USB CW and USB ...
ORIGINS OF: CQ, DE, HAM, LID US CALLSIGNS 73, Q-SIGNALS SOS & MAYDAY ROGER WILCO RST Sys & S-Meter More, More, More Oscilloscope FAQ OS/2 For Hams ___ Packet Clusters Packet Directory Packet Links Packet Mfg Packet Software Packet Tutorial PACTOR Palm/Ham Software PARC ...
Amateur Radio Ham Radio Maidenhead Grid Square Locator By K2DSL. Google Map based worldwide grid square locator; determine grid square using an address or call sign (if in database); enter a grid square and it returns a Google map of that square. ...
MacLoggerDX HD is an Amateur Radio application that monitors the spots from your favourite DX Cluster for DXing, Contesting or casual rag-chewing. It Alerts you…
Most clusters now get the WWV information automatically via their own connection. This menu item is equivalent to the Announce button in the WWV Window. Set DX Alerts F4. Display the Alerts Window. This Window is listed in the Window Menu and also available on the right-click Popup ...
DX and WWV spot collection- up to 6 clusters including DX Summit and theReverse Beacon Network, filtering, direct QSY with QSX Propagation prediction- provides a graphical view of openings by frequency and time using your choice of the included VOACAP, ICEPAC, and IONCAP forecasting engines ...
Internet DX clusters Very time efficient way to find rarer DX Have to compete with many others (operating split helps) DX Nets – controversial Logical progression of techniques (as DXCC numbers increase and new DX becomes harder to find) ...