英汉 英英 网络释义 halogen n. 1. 卤素any of a set of five chemical elements, including fluorine , chlorine and iodine , that react with hydrogen to form acids from which simple salts can be made. Halogens , in the form of gas, are used in lamps and cookers/stoves. ...
7、halogen acyl halide [化] 卤代酰卤 8、halogen azide [化] 叠氮化卤 9、halogen carrier [化] 卤载体 10、halogen family [化] 卤族 11、halogen preteins [医] 卤化蛋白 12、halogen-silver salt reaction [化] 卤素-银盐反应 13、nuclear halogen [化] 环上卤素 14、quartz-halogen adj. (灯泡)...
Halogens also have the necessary absorption in the ultraviolet and rapid dissociation. 卤素也具有吸收紫外线和分解快这两种特性。 dict.veduchina.com 6. All of the three halogens exist as diatomic molecules, which are held together by van der Waals' forces (intermolecular forces). 这三个卤素均以...
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稳定供应G9 Halogen Lampa卤钨灯泡(2000小时) 南通红日电器有限公司18年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 江苏 如皋市 ¥0.90成交500只 CE FCC认证 工厂直销 现货 可调光 110V 220V 35W 50W GU10卤素灯 佛山市友莱特科技有限公司5年 月均发货速度:暂无记录
halogen (ˈhæləˌdʒɛn) n (Elements & Compounds) any of the chemical elements fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine. They are all monovalent and readily form negative ions [C19: from Swedish; see halo-, -gen] ...
halogen ester卤代酯 halogen acetone卤代丙酮 相似单词 halogenn. 卤素 最新单词 ergastoplasm是什么意思及音标n. [生]酿造质( 对碱性染料显示亲和力的一种细胞质成分 ergastic什么意思及同义词adj. [生]后含的(指细胞属于原生质非生命成分的) ergamine怎么翻译及发音麦胺 ...