到达一个穹庐大厅后(这时候 Cortana 会问你叫什么名字),中央是圆形平台,左前方有紫色的高低立柱。跳上立柱的高点,然后跳上左前上方凸台的较低层,调整好位置后再垂直跳到凸台的较高层;背向墙壁,跳上左上方的凸台,跳跃时可能要马上蹲下才能稳定在凸台上。然后小心走过对面的横梁,就能够找到骷髅头。要注意的是,...
从升降机离开就可以与Cortana联系了,随后离开,在外面回合同伴之后,沿着斜坡进入沼泽,翻过山坡之后会有不少的怪物,解决之后,会看见前方从雾中透出了红色的灯光,顺着光线的指引走过去会看到一个小型基地,不要直接过去,从旁边绕过去会看到343 Guilty Spark型机器人,它在此的任务就是阻止怪物们进一步扩散。对话之后,他说...
Cortana's message says that the Gravemind is coming to Earth with an army of Flood, and that on the other side of the portal is a solution to the Flood infestation, without having to fire the rings. Lord Hood questions Cortana's plan, assuming that it could be a Flood trap, but John...
@BuryBimmer, Per wort.gg (at this moment) You have not earned the 3 hour achievement yet for Halo 3 as your current time is 4h 10m (as of this writing). If you look at your times, your Cortana time shows 1:40:39 which is the glitched time (which normally represents a run with ...
The latestHalo Infinitetrailer duringE3 2021revealed a new Cortana replacement companion for Master Chief. Following the events ofHalo 5: Guardians, the fate of Cortana is unknown (at the time of writing), but what is clear is that she will not be accompanying John-117 on his next mission....
Three Gates is a song included in the Halo 3: Original Soundtrack. It includes the songs Three Gates, Ascent, and Leonidas Returns. It can be heard during the level The Covenant and is the first movement of the Covenant Suite. It starts with a low string
The Road Halo 3: Complete Tsavo Highway. 10G Assault Halo 3: Complete The Storm. advertisement 10G Cleansing Halo 3: Complete Floodgate. 10G Refuge Halo 3: Complete The Ark. 10G Last Stand Halo 3: Complete The Covenant. 10G The Key Halo 3: Complete Cortana. 10G Return Halo 3: Complete...
The Silent Cartographer: Why This Halo Mission Stands Out Dec 5, 2024 UniqueSara Halo 4 Halo 4's story follows a cybernetically enhanced human supersoldier, Master Chief, and his artificial intelligence construct Cortana, as they encounter unknown threats while exploring an ancient civilization's pl...
: "Could you sacrifice me to complete your mission? Could you watch me die?" (This is a reference to The Fall of Reach when Dr. Halsey asks Cortana talking about Master Chief, "Could you sacrifice him if you had to? Could you watch him die?)...
Mission:The Gun Pointed at the Head of the Universe 机器人的固执让你没办法,只要与之前还是同伴的机器人战斗。他会叫来先前帮助自己战斗的威力强大的空中机器人来对付你。唯一的掩体就是那电子屏,因为激光可以穿过一切但是没办法穿过电子屏。以此为掩体,刺激进攻,将所有的机器人都解决之后,Cortana会告诉你下一...