Cortana from Halo Game Cortana is here to make your life a little easier Tap and hold the search button to ask something such as “Tell me about yourself” Cortana: Tell me about yourself You will get Cortana’s introduction: “In short I’m your personal assistant. I try to mak...
Cortana sadly passed away in Halo 4 - not a spoiler, it came out literally eight years ago - before returning as a baddie in Halo 5. Somehow she was not as dead as she seemed, and had decided, "actually John Halo, f**k you
Named after the AI character from Microsoft's leading game series Halo, Cortana is Microsoft's answer to a digital assistant.
Microsoft wants Cortana to sound less robotic, so the voice used will be the one belonging to Jen Taylor, the voice of Cortana in the Halo series. But Microsoft also has to deal with some regional requests. In China, for example, the virtual personal assistant has to have a voice that s...
Cortana was originally a direct competitor to other voice assistants, but Microsoft has slowly been dropping support for the Halo-inspired voice assistant. In 2019, Microsoft's CEO stated that the company no longer sees Cortana as a direct competitor to Alexa or Siri. After this, the company ...
Jen Taylor, who currently voices Cortana in the Halo games, also voices the knowledge navigator for Windows Phone 8.1. Look and Features The current look of Cortana is both futuristic and minimalist, being represented as an orb with animation. From a pre-release description of Cortana by an in...
Microsoft's Cortana, a personal virtual assistant, can crack jokes about the Halo games (where the name Cortana originates) and tell country and language-specific jokes.Josh Miller/CNET We live in a world where we're starting to talk to our computers, but it still feels like the device on...
I was worried when Cortana was released what they were going to do about Cortana's 'rampancy" that occured in the Halo series of games—tongue in cheek of course. Reply 2 of 16 macxpress Posts: 5,953 November 17, 2019 1:39AM Will anyone even notice on iOS? lol Reply 3 of...
Apple has Siri, Google has Google Now, and Microsoft has Cortana. Pulled straight out of the Halo universe, Cortana ends up being a mix of Siri and Google Now. Cortana launches in beta with the same sort of basic voice assistance you get with Siri in iOS. Hitting the search button will...
Microsoft's Cortana, a personal virtual assistant, can crack jokes about the Halo games (where the name Cortana originates) and tell country and language-specific jokes.Josh Miller/CNET We live in a world where we're starting to talk to our computers, but it still feels like ...