named after avideo gamecharacter. InHalo, the fictionalAIcharacter Cortana provides players with the backstory and tactical information needed to play. Jen Taylor, the voice actress ofHalo’s Cortana character, also serves as the voice of the digital assistant. Microsoft also offers a masculine voi...
The long-awaited Halo 4 Series 1 Extended set of action figures by McFarlane Toys has finally been fully-revealed! We knew months ago from a leaked
She stayed in Halo's systems sending John-117 to find Keyes.[14] After John encountered the parasitic Flood for the first time, he was convinced by the Forerunner Monitor 343 Guilty Spark to activate the Halo. During this time, Cortana apparently absorbed as much data as she could about ...
士官长,你还好吗?还记着光晕游戏中柯塔娜吗?Build2014大会上,微软首次展示Windows Phone 8.1平台虚拟语音助手Cortana特性和功能,原《光晕(Halo)》游戏女演员Jen Taylor将继续为Cortana配音。 据外媒Neowin报道,微软已经证实将聘用Jen Taylor继续为Windows Phone 8.1个人语音助手Cortana配音。
Microsoft's joint presentation with Bethesda was home to many big reveals, such asthe reveal ofThe Outer Worlds 2, so the talk about a new A.I. may not be the most shocking thing to read. However, the presence of a new A.I. playing the Cortana role in theHalo Infinitestory raises ...
Share Your idea论坛用户LookItsKris在Cortana in Person创意描述中写道:“《Halo》里面的全息版Cortana可以与你沟通和互动。效果就像桌面版和手机版Cortana一样。可以回答问题,等等。或许可以在HoloLens上问问题,然后通过手机获得答案?类似的可能不胜枚举。” ...
Cortana was originally a direct competitor to other voice assistants, but Microsoft has slowly been dropping support for the Halo-inspired voice assistant. In 2019, Microsoft's CEO stated that the company no longer sees Cortana as a direct competitor to Alexa or Siri. After this, the company ...
Cortana - Halo 4 Cosplayer: Nadya Sonika * Photographer: Ihphotostudio Body Paint: Lyma Makeup Art Cortana, Unsc Artificial intelligence (Service Number - Ctn 0452-9), was a Smart artificial intelligence construct. She was one of the most important figures in the Human-Covenant war, and was...