When they're done celebrating Christmas in July, the Hallmark Channel heats up movie night with a lineup of summery romantic movies during their Summer Nights event. This list of summer-themed Hallmark movies has all summertime romance films that premiered during the Hallmark Summe...
Plot Summary: "Screenwriter Lucy Hardgrove lands the job of a lifetime when she is hired to remake the beloved holiday movie His Merry Wife!" Premiering November 26, 2023 and available to stream on Peacock from November 27 to November 29....
The Hallmark Channel unveiled its full holiday movie lineup on Tuesday, so get ready to stock up on all the hot chocolate and marshmallows for a slate that includes a whopping 40 all-new original movies. Checkin' It Twice kicks things off Oct. 20. For the full lineup and syno...
Between the two channels, the 2023 Hallmark holiday movie total comes in at 40 original premieres, featuring many familiar Hallmark movie faces, and, we feel pretty safe predicting, a boatload of Hallmark holiday products, from glittering garlands to cozy candles. The Hall...
When the weather outside is frightful, cozying up with a Hallmark Christmas movie is so delightful. As usual, the Hallmark Channel is unleashing an onslaught of holiday movies this season — 40 all told! This week's Hallmark Christmas movies • Friday, Dec. 8: Magic in Mistletoe • Satu...
they send her to the film's first location to gain inspiration. While there she discovers a magical hourglass that sends her back in time to the original set. During her visit, she connects with the film's star, Jack. However, her presence could jeopardize the very movie everyone loves so...
they send her to the film's first location to gain inspiration. While there she discovers a magical hourglass that sends her back in time to the original set. During her visit, she connects with the film's star, Jack. However, her presence could jeopardize the very movie everyone loves so...
The following guide details every made-for-TV Christmas movie that’s already been announced by nearly a dozen platforms — including BET+, Disney+, Freevee, Great American Family, Hallmark Channel, Hulu, Lifetime, Netflix, Prime Video, The Roku Channel and UPtv. Highlights this year include...
Hallmark didn't break any strike rules. The saw the strike coming and did something about it before it happened, so they could weather the storm. The Hallmark channel has some pretty interesting titles in it's all new movie line up. You can catch new movies through most of December, but...
Lindsay Lohan & 4 More Christmas Movie Stars You Forgot Were In Soaps 12/24/2024 by Ashley Amber Soap Hub Jen Lilley Dool Spoilers: Sophia & Rolf’s Deal, Kristen Solves Brady & Tate’s Baby Problem? 1/10/2025 by Amandah Hancen ...