Sealed with a List Plot Summary: "This holiday season, festive Carley sets out to conquer her list of abandoned resolutions from last year. Aided by coworker Wyatt, she finds love and the confidence to chase her dreams." Premiering December 16, 2023 and available to stream on Peacock from ...
Hallmark didn't break any strike rules. The saw the strike coming and did something about it before it happened, so they could weather the storm. The Hallmark channel has some pretty interesting titles in it's all new movie line up. You can catch new movies through most of December, but...
Between the two channels, the 2023 Hallmark holiday movie total comes in at 40 original premieres, featuring many familiar Hallmark movie faces, and, we feel pretty safe predicting, a boatload of Hallmark holiday products, from glittering garlands to cozy candles. The Hall...
When the weather outside is frightful, cozying up with a Hallmark Christmas movie is so delightful. As usual, the Hallmark Channel is unleashing an onslaught of holiday movies this season — 40 all told! This week's Hallmark Christmas movies • Friday, Dec. 8: Magic in Mistletoe • Satu...
This list of summer-themed Hallmark movies has all summertime romance films that premiered during the Hallmark Summer movie lineup. Even the evenings stay warm in the summer and the leads of these Hallmark films are feeling the heat. With vineyards, beach vacations and even a p...
🎄 SEALED WITH A LISTPremiere Date: Saturday, Dec. 16 at 8 pmCast: Katie Findlay and Evan RoderickPremise: This holiday season, festive Carley sets out to conquer her list of abandoned resolutions from last year. Aided by coworker Wyatt, she finds love and the confidence to chase her dr...
Missing from this year’s list are HBO Max, Discovery+, VH1 and CBS, all who rolled out holiday movies in 2022. See the full lineup of every holiday movie below. Saturday, October 14 “Destined 2: Christmas Once More”Cast: Shae Robbins and Casey ElliottGreat American Family, 8 p.m....
Patrick is recently widowed and trying to reconnect with his young daughter. With the help of personal shopper Bonnie, the two might just get everything they want this Christmas. Saturday, Dec. 16 - Sealed with a List Hallmark Channel
Patrick is recently widowed and trying to reconnect with his young daughter. With the help of personal shopper Bonnie, the two might just get everything they want this Christmas. Saturday, Dec. 16 - Sealed with a List Hallmark Channel
James Denton is a regular cast member on the Good Witch movie series and David Alpay has been in multiple Hallmark Christmas movies. Check out this list of the best Hallmark actors and vote up the guys who make the movies worthwhile. Most divisive: Sam Heughan Over 28.3K Ranker voters have...