Welcome to our library of free, downloadable half marathon training plans for beginners, intermediate, and advanced runners, and road-tested by thousands.
Use our half marathon training plans to get to the start and finish line feeling your best. Plus, we have the advice you need on workouts, nutrition, and more.
One thing to keep in mind: "Going from not running to training for a half marathon in 10 weeks can be risky," Finke says. "You need to be cautious about going too fast, too far, too soon." As long as you follow this blueprint, fuel right (aka get enough carbs to refuel post-...
advice and tips, consider signing up for one of my Interactive programs, available through TrainingPeaks. For twelve weeks, I will send you daily emails telling you how to train. Consider also acquiring a copy of my latest book, Hal Higdon’s Half Marathon Training, available from Human ...
Everything you need to know about training for your 13.1-mile half marathon can be found here: workouts, nutrition, training plans, and more!
Half-Marathon First Timer 3runs per week 16-20 weekplan Prerequisite: No experience necessary. In this Half Marathon Race (C2Half-Marathon) training plan, our goal is to slowly and steadily build your fitness to a level where you can complete a Half Marathon. ...
The Spring 2024 Half Marathon Training Program is a 10-week program that meets two times a week and is designed to prepare runners and walkers for their first-ever endurance event or for athletes looking for a new PR, this program can truly be adapted to anyone's needs at any level. Thi...
The Intermediate Half Marathon Training Planis a step up in mileage and intensity from the Beginner Half Marathon Program and geared towards runners who have completed a half marathon and want to improve their time. It incorporates four runs per week including longer endurance runs, speed and race...
Stay injury free and achieve your personal best with McMillan Running's comprehensive and easy-to-follow Marathon training plans.
Now, we all have to start somewhere with our training. So maybe you did a search for a training plan, or you talked to your personal trainer about their half marathon training tips. You found a spreadsheet with all the columns filled out. Eight weeks from start to finish, with weekly wo...