Residual Life's plot takes several elements not only from usual Half-Life lore, but also from Marc Laidlaw's booksGadget,the Third Forcebut also borrow elements from mangas Full Metal Alchemist, Slayers, and sometimes not even official, but fan made material... which makes it a mish-mash o...
Let's Start with some "lore". You Play As Nokotan (yes that Deer from brain-rot anime): Her goals will be explained in mod so yeah. I started working on this mod like few months ago and I decided to make it more "Public", that's why I made this ModDB page I plan to overhau...
The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.The G-Man talking to Gordon during his monologue at the beginning of HL2. Dr. Gordon Freeman is the main protagonist of the Half-Life series. Freeman is a theoretical physicist, fo
The Vortessence timeline is full of interesting little symbols and drawings related to Half-Life lore. Keep in mind that the Vortigaunts share a hive mind and see time in a different manner to humans, meaning they know of the future and the past. Portal turret graffiti Later on, when you...
There is one other peculiarity which might be explained by the authors psychology,not unrelated to the previous breakdown of his short-lived marriage: there are no women,no goddesses,no females at all,not even apparently among the animals.All the paths of the Tree of Life linked to Tarot...
His love for the history,geology,culture and lore of Moorea is obvious in his exuberant commentary...and humor. Our group thoroughly enjoyed the time we spent with Tammo learning numerous facts about the island in a fun way. His presentation was very knowledge...
She had come t o Stillwater when there was no Stillwater; in her lifetime it had grown to become the third largest city in Minnesota. In 1854, she and her husband had platted part of Carli & Schulenburg's Addition, but a depression came four years later, and it took t h e m ...
Is the lore of Black Ops going to be expanded? Classified answer for now but there are big plans for them. How is the combat different from Half-Life 2 (and mods)? There will be differences but the core stays Half-Life 2, see "Black Mesa VS Half-Life 1" as an example. One examp...