The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.The G-Man talking to Gordon during his monologue at the beginning of HL2. Dr. Gordon Freeman is the main protagonist of the Half-Life series. Freeman is a theoretical physicist, fo
Throughout the game, there are tons of advertisements aggressively pushing Mountain Peaks - a brand of bottled water. This is most likely a reference to the rumour spread in Half-Life 2 that the Combine have tampered with the water supply to control citizens during the invasion. As one train...
Be the bad guy in this modification for Half-Life 2 : Episode 2 and step into the boots of a stranded Metrocop, left for dead in the abandoned City 10. Experience a time before the fall of City 17 - 11 months before the deployment of Gordon Freeman...
Residual Life's plot takes several elements not only from usual Half-Life lore, but also from Marc Laidlaw's booksGadget,the Third Forcebut also borrow elements from mangas Full Metal Alchemist, Slayers, and sometimes not even official, but fan made material... which makes it a mish-mash o...
The name of Valve’s new Half-Life VR game is not Half-Life 3 or even Half-Life 2: Episode 3. It’s Half-Life: Alyx. So, who's Alyx?
the Combine, the intrigue and excitement propelled me forward through the rest of the game, eager to have my questions answered, to uncover new mysteries, to discover what was being added to the lore and history of the Half-Life narrative that I've enjoyed for decades. I wasn't ...
Lore wise, love to see the world when Combine is still actively curbing resistence. HLA might be more brutal and bloody than HL2. Would love to set foot during the bombing of Ravenholm. Reactions: Mindweaver and windwhirl Mindweaver Moderato®™ Staff member Joined Apr 16, 2009 Messa...
Half-Life: Alyxbegins by reminding you that Vance is dead, and then starts the story —five years beforethe events inEpisode 2. You are Alyx Vance, and your mission is simple: The Combine have your father, Eli Vance, and you must save him. ...
The Combine are back, but you face them (and other terrors) from a different perspective—in more ways than one. Welcome to Half Life: Alyx. Credit: Valve The Combine are back, but you face them (and other terrors) from a different perspective—in more ways than one. Welcome ...
The enduring legacy of Half-Life, and part of its new appeal in the context of 2023, lies in its approach to lore and storytelling via visuals and environmental design. Valve’s distinctive art and texture work, the presence of shadowy figures seemingly pulling the strings, and the overarching...