The macOS (OS X) version of this game does not work on macOS Catalina (version 10.15) or later due to the removal of support for 32-bit-only apps.Half-Life 2 is a singleplayer first-person FPS and driving game in the Half-Life series. The retail release was published by Sierra ...
半条命2:第二章 Half-Life 2 Episode Two Mac版 For Mac 单机游戏 Mac游戏 第二部半条命2:第二章,Half-Life 2 Episode Two,Mac版,For Mac,Mac游戏
Valve shows what Half-Life 2 Episode 3 was going to be like and explains why it was canceled Is Valve working on a new Half Life? Everything seems to indicate it is Half-Life Making a Comeback? Rumors Suggest Announcement Before Summer’s Close Half-Life 2 VR planned for public beta r...
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Half-Life 2 for Mac, free and safe download. Half-Life 2 latest version: Return to Earth in this massive sequel. Half-Life 2 is the continuation of
《半条命2:第二章》是在前三部曲的基础上延伸的剧情,你将继续惊险刺激的探险。游戏加入的Portals模式是采用SOURCE引擎优势制作的一系列有趣的解谜游戏。 本次资料片中,主角仍是博士戈登弗里曼,继续上次与爱丽克斯逃离17号城市的情节,把从暗能城堡盗来的资料代码交给白森林反抗军火箭发射基地,毁掉联合军传送门。在通往...
《半条命2》的美术指导维克特·安托诺夫(Viktor Antonov),因为童年时曾在保加利亚渡过,所以他与开发小组直觉性的以东欧城市作为17号城的蓝图,正因东欧属于新旧文化冲突区,恰好与17号城的历史相符。 资源下载:移花接木Mac资源网
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《半条命2》for Mac 是《半条命》系列的续集,继续讲述了引人入胜的科幻故事。故事紧接前作《半条命》的结局,展现了黑山基地事件所引发的严重后果。由于黑山基地的实验失控,外星势力从维度裂缝中涌入,黑山的事件不仅引来了致命的外星生物,还吸引了一个强大的多维空间帝国——星际联合军的注意。
Half Life 2游戏 安全下载 支持系统 OS X / PPC 32 / Intel 32 价格 $ 6.99 下载次数 542 官方网站 访问 Half-Life 2 is a story driven first person shooter sequel created by Valve Software. The original Half-Life, Valve's debut title, won more than 50 game-of-the-year awards and ...