The operator read_dl_model reads a deep learning model. Such models have to be in the HALCON format or in the ONNX format (see the reference below). Restrictions apply to the latter. As a result, the handle DLModelHandle is returned. ...
The model is loaded from the fileFileName. This file is hereby searched in the directory$HALCONROOT/dl/as well as in the currently used directory. Please note that the runtime specific parameter'gpu'of the model is not read from file. Instead it is initialized with its default value (see...
specified during model creation (create_dl_model call). */ #define H_ERR_CNNGRAPH_LAYER_UNSUPPORTED 7778 /* CNN-Graph: Layer not supported for selected runtime */ /* DL */ #define H_ERR_DL_INTERNAL 7779 /* DL: Internal error */ #define H_ERR_DL_FILE_READ 7780 /* DL: ...
支持的情况下:加载同一个深度学习库进行识别,set_dl_classifier_param(DLHandle,‘batch_sise’,1)和set_dl_classifier_param(DLHandle,‘batch_sise’,n) n>1 经测试,实际效果是一样的。 11、 read_dl_classifier和read_dl_model的深度学习库是通用的,高版本可以调用低版本训练的库。 halcon的深度学习不能...
halcon 使用gpu set_dl_model_param 速度很慢 名称 grab_data_async - 从指定的图像采集设备异步抓取图像和预处理的图像数据。 用法 grab_data_async( : Image, Region, Contours : AcqHandle, MaxDelay : Data) 描述 算子grab_data_async通过由AcqHandle指定的图像采集设备抓取图像和预处理的图像数据,并且如果...
specified during model creation (create_dl_model call). */ #define H_ERR_CNNGRAPH_LAYER_UNSUPPORTED 7778 /* CNN-Graph: Layer not supported for selected runtime */ /* DL */ #define H_ERR_DL_INTERNAL 7779 /* DL: Internal error */ #define H_ERR_DL_FILE_READ 7780 /* DL: ...
split_dl_dataset (DLDataset,60,20, [])* *加载预训练模型、设置参数 read_dl_model ('initial_dl_anomaly_medium.hdl', DLModelHandle)*read_dl_model ('initial_dl_anomaly_large.hdl', DLModelHandle) set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle,'image_width', ImageWidth) ...
read_dl_model (RetrainedModelFileName, DLModelHandle) read_dict (PreprocessParamFileName, [], [], DLPreprocessParam) 左滑查看更多 2. 导入推理图像并生成深度学习样本: * Read the images of the batch. read_image (ImageBatch, Batch) * Generate the DLSampleBatch. ...
* Readinthe retrained model.read_dl_model (RetrainedModelFileName, DLModelHandle) 2. 设置深度学习模型参数: * Set the batch size.set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle,'batch_size', BatchSizeInference)* Initialize the modelforinference.set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle,'device', DLDevice) ...