⑤ mean_ap(Mean average precision,mAP):所有类的平均AP的平均值。如图19所示。在训练期间或对不同模型进行比较时,采用'mean_ap'来评估检测模型的性能。 图(19) 三个IoU阈值的示例评估结果
the deep-learning-based object detection evaluation results might be different. To obtain the same results for 'mean_ap' as before, the evaluation parameter 'interpolate_pr_curves' can be set to false (default: true).More
平均准确率(Mean Pixel Accuracy) MPA=1nclΣiniitiMPA = \frac{1}{n_{cl}} \Sigma_i \frac{ n_{ii}}{t_i} MPA=ncl1Σitinii 平均交并比(Mean Intersection over Union) MIU=1nclΣiniiti+Σjnji−niiMIU = \frac{1}{n_{cl}} \Sigma_i \frac{n_{ii}}{t_i + \Sigma_j n_{ji} ...
duplicates the image objects (Don't worry, this doesn't mean neces- sarily that the corresponding gray value arrays are duplicated too. As long as there is only read-access, a duplication of the references is sufficient). Therefore, all extracted objects have to be deleted explicitly from ...
For this reason, the AP value depends on the class and on the IoU threshold. You can obtain the specific AP values, the averages over the classes, the averages over the IoU thresholds, and the average over both, the classes and the IoU thresholds. The latter one is the mean average...
例如用OpeatosFteSmoothng 中的 mean_mae,数入影像用原始影像"e"。然后再按一下ear键清除画在程序代码man_me这行上双击就可以输入参在这里把输入的影像改为Imaeeduced。要重复上列方式来观察不同ROI的差异,可以把Ppoamcounte)放在da_ecane或是da_eon看您用哪个方法再按要在某个运算符计算前中止程只要在其...
ax2.set_title("Precision_Recall Curve AP=%0.2f"%average_precision,verticalalignment='center') plt.step(precision, recall,where='post',alpha=0.2,color='r') plt.fill_between(recall,precision,step='post',alpha=0.2,color='b') plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0]) ...
wiener_filterproduces an estimate of the original image (= image without noise and blurring) by minimizing the mean square error between estimated and original image.wiener_filtercan be used to restore images corrupted by noise and/or blurring (e.g. motion blur, atmospheric turbulence or out-of...