measure_pos (Image, MsrHandle_Measure_01_0, 0.4, 15,'all','all', Row_Measure_01_0, Column_Measure_01_0, Amplitude_Measure_01_0, Distance_Measure_01_0) * Measure 01: Transform to world coordinates * Measure 01: Calibrate positionsforMeasure 01 [0] image_points_to_world_plane (Camera...
measure_pos (Image, MsrHandle_Measure_01_0, 0.4, 15, 'all', 'all', Row_Measure_01_0, Column_Measure_01_0, Amplitude_Measure_01_0, Distance_Measure_01_0) * Measure 01: Transform to world coordinates * Measure 01: Calibrate positions for Measure 01 [0] image_points_to_world_plane ...
#define H_ERR_MEASURE_WRONG_VERSION 8556 /* The version of the measure object is not supported */ #define H_ERR_MEASURE_TL 8557 /* Measure object data can only be read by HALCON XL */ #define H_ERR_MEASURE_NOSITEM 8558 /* Serialized item does not contain a valid measure object...
24、measure_pin 测量Pin Measure pins of IC 测量IC的pin角 25、measure_ring 测量齿宽 Determine the width of cogs with a circular measure object 用圆形测量对象确定齿槽的宽度 26、measure_stamping_part 测量圆、矩形、直线、圆环等特征 Measure circles、rectangles、and lines of a stamping part using an...
Measure positions on a caliper rule using camera calibration 使用相机标定后在卡尺上测量位置 注:运行此示例前先运行camera_calibration_internal 5、camera_calibration_multi_image 多张图像进行相机标定 Calibration the camera and measure positions on acaliper rule ...
The operator get_data_code_2d_param allows to query the parameters that are used to describe the 2D data code model. The names of the desired parameters are passed in the generic parameter GenParamName, the corresponding values are returned in GenParamValue. All these parameters can be set ...
get_data_code_2d_param(算子名称) 名称 get_data_code_2d_param— Get one or several parameters that describe the 2D data code model. 参数签名 get_data_code_2d_param( : :DataCodeHandle,GenParamName:GenParamValue) 描述 The operatorget_data_code_2d_paramallows to query the parameters that ar...
Measure The new operator get_measure_param can be used to obtain information about a measure object. Additionally, measure objects can now be inspected in the handle inspect window. Miscellaneous The struct _HhandleList has been renamed to HhandleListT. Note that this change affects the com...
* measure the spacing between the leads of the IC. Because of the lighting * used in this example, the leads have the saturated gray value of 255 at several * positions and rotations, which enlarges the apparent width of the leads, and ...
Measure: 卡尺工具,注意这里只包括卡尺工具; OCR:字符识别工具。 对于Measure工具,小白给出的翻译是“卡尺工具”。但是按照英文原意,应该叫“测量工具”。 这里是Halcon的设计上一个非常让小白想不通的地方。因为助手这里的所谓“测量工具”,其实只包含了卡尺这一种功能——即只能查找边缘,或者查找边缘对。所谓的“测...