算子:read_ocr_class_mlp( : : FileName : OCRHandle) 示例:read_ocr_class_mlp ('Document_0-9A-Z_NoRej.omc', OCRHandle) 'Document_0-9A-Z_NoRej.omc'(输入控制参数):输入识别类型 OCRHandle(输出控制参数): 输出识别句柄 算子:do_ocr_multi_class_mlp(Character, Image : : OCRHandle : Class,...
trainf_ocr_class_mlp( : : OCRHandle, TrainingFile, MaxIterations, WeightTolerance, ErrorTolerance : Error, ErrorLog) 训练一个神经网络分类器 1. 2. do_ocr_multi_class_mlp(Character, Image : : OCRHandle : Class, Confidence) 使用OCR分类多个字符 Character是字符区域 Image是字符图片 OCRHandle是分...
算子:read_ocr_class_mlp( : : FileName : OCRHandle) 示例:read_ocr_class_mlp ('Document_0-9A-Z_NoRej.omc', OCRHandle) 'Document_0-9A-Z_NoRej.omc'(输入控制参数):输入识别类型 OCRHandle(输出控制参数): 输出识别句柄 算子:do_ocr_multi_class_mlp(Character, Image : : OCRHandle : Class,...
append_ocr_trainf、create_ocr_class_mlp、trainf_ocr_class_mlp、do_ocr_multi_class_mlp 缺点一是需要自己切割字符收集字库,如下所示: 缺点二是可能自己训练的分类器不如Halcon自带的分类器效果好。(原因一方面因为字库不够丰富,另一方面可能对OCR的理解不够深刻,导致训练分类器时有些细节考虑不周全) 不过自己训...
do_ocr_multi_class_mlp(Character, Image : : OCRHandle : Class, Confidence) 其中Character即是字符区域(Region),如下所示: 分割字符区域的思路有两种:① 用形态学阈值分割;②用find_text系列算子。 形态学分割算子大家比较熟悉,不需要多说,但是算子之间的组合比较灵活,思路比较重要。
do_ocr_multi_class_mlp (SortedRegions, ImageReduced6, OCRHandle, RecNum, Confidence) area_center (SortedRegions, Area, Row_OCR, Column_OCR) dev_display (SortedRegions) set_display_font (WindowHandle, 16, 'mono', 'true', 'false') for i := 0 to |RecNum| - 1 by 1 Message := ...
todo_ocr_single_class_mlp,do_ocr_multi_class_mlpcan classify multiple characters in one call, and therefore typically is faster than a loop that usesdo_ocr_single_class_mlpto classify single characters. However,do_ocr_multi_class_mlpcan only return the best class of each character. Because ...
4.do_ocr_multi_class_mlp 功能:给定区域字符和分级器的灰度图像值,计算出最好的类,将类返回到Class中。 5.do_ocr_single_class_mlp 功能:给定区域字符和分级器的灰度图像值,计算出最好的类,将类返回到Class中。 6.do_ocr_word_mlp 功能:功能与do ocr multiclass mlp相同,只是do ocr word mlp将字符组...
Number of elements:Class == Character Confidence(output_control)real(-array)→(real) Confidence of the class of the characters. Number of elements:Confidence == Character If the parameters are valid, the operatordo_ocr_multi_class_mlpreturns the value 2 (H_MSG_TRUE). If necessary, an except...
2、ocr_class_mlp( Document_0-9.omc ,OCRHandle) 12: do_ocr_multi_class_mlp(SelectedRegio ns,lmageG,OCRHa ndle. Class, Con fide nee) hale on 导出的C#代码: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: / / / / / by HDevelop for HALCON/DOTNET (C#) Versio n 10.0 This in ten ded to be used with the...