5 Crop_Rectangle1 剪切一个或多个矩形图像区域。static void HOperatorSet.CropRectangle1(HObject image, out HObject imagePart, HTuple row1, HTuple column1, HTuple row2, HTuple column2)输入参数:输入图像 输出参数:输出剪切的矩形区域 控制参数1:输入矩形的左上角行坐标 控制参数2:输入矩形的左上角...
The operatorcrop_rectangle1cuts one or more rectangular areas from each of the input images. The areas are indicated by rectangles, which are defined by the coordinates of their upper left and their lower right corners. The upper left corners must be within the image. At the right side and...
crop_rectangle1 (Image, Image, Height/2,0, Height-1, Width-1) get_image_size (Image, Width, Height) dev_open_window_fit_image (Image,0,0,-1,-1, WindowID) set_display_font (WindowID,14,'mono','true','false') dev_set_draw ('margin') dev_set_line_width (2) dev_display (I...
crop_part ( Image : ImagePart : Row, Column, Width, Height : ) 删除一个矩形图像区域。Row为右上角的列标索引。Width, Height为新图像ImagePart的宽度和高度。 crop_rectangle1 ( Image : ImagePart : Row1, Column1, Row2,Column2 : ) 删除一个矩形图像区域。 tile_channels ( Image : TiledImage...
crop_rectangle1 ( Image : ImagePart : Row1, Column1, Row2,Column2 : )删除一个矩形图像区域。tile_channels ( Image : TiledImage : NumColumns, TileOrder : )将多通道图像平铺为一幅大的单通道图像。NumColumns为平铺的列数。TileOrder为平铺的方式。tile_images ( Images : TiledImage : NumColumns, ...
The operatorcrop_rectangle1cuts one or more rectangular areas from each of the input images. The areas are indicated by rectangles, which are defined by the coordinates of their upper left and their lower right corners. The upper left corners must be within the image. At the right side and...
1:*读取并截取图片 2:dev_close_window() 3:read_image (Image,'D:/MyFile/halcon/长度和角度测量/图.png') 4:crop_rectangle1 (Image, ImagePart, 75, 0, 400, 400) 5:get_image_size (ImagePart, Width, Height) 6:dev_open_window (0, 0, Width, Height,'black', WindowHandle) ...
1. 2. 3. 4. 设置裁剪区域 接下来,您需要定义裁剪区域。使用crop_rectangle1函数设置区域: # 定义裁剪区域的左上角和右下角坐标row1=50# 裁剪区域左上角的行坐标column1=50# 裁剪区域左上角的列坐标row2=200# 裁剪区域右下角的行坐标column2=200# 裁剪区域右下角的列坐标# 裁剪图像cropped_image=ha.cr...
crop_rectangle1 ( Image : ImagePart : Row1, Column1, Row2, Column2 : ) 删除一个矩形图像区域。 tile_channels ( Image : TiledImage : NumColumns, TileOrder : ) 将多通道图像平铺为一幅大的单通道图像。NumColumns为平铺的列数。TileOrder为平铺的方式。
crop_part ( Image : ImagePart : Row, Column, Width, Height : )删除一个矩形图像区域。Row为右上角的列标索引。Width, Height为新图像ImagePart的宽度和高度。crop_rectangle1 ( Image : ImagePart : Row1, Column1, 64、0;Row2, Column2 : )删除一个矩形图像区域。tile_channels ( Image : ...