gray_histo (Domain, Image1, AbsoluteHisto, RelativeHisto) *计算直方图:指定区域 *为区域内的图像计算灰度值的绝对和相对直方图 *参数1:要计算直方图的区域 *参数2:要计算其灰度值分布的图像 *参数3:是指图像内0-255灰度值出现的次数-->直方图 *参数4:将上面的出现次数转化为频率,总合为1 histo_to_thresh...
gray_histo (Domain, Image1, AbsoluteHisto, RelativeHisto)*计算直方图:指定区域*为区域内的图像计算灰度值的绝对和相对直方图*参数1:要计算直方图的区域*参数2:要计算其灰度值分布的图像*参数3:是指图像内0-255灰度值出现的次数-->直方图*参数4:将上面的出现次数转化为频率,总合为1 histo_to_thresh (Absolute...
gray_histo(Regions, Image : : : AbsoluteHisto, RelativeHisto) 计算图像Image内区域Regions的绝对相对灰度直方图AbsoluteHisto, RelativeHisto, 这两个直方图都是256个值的元组,从0开始包含图像的各个灰度值的出现频率。 AbsoluteHisto表示整数灰度值的绝对频率, RelativeHisto表示相对频率,如绝对频率除以图像面积作为浮点...
默认值255 //参数5:要计算的灰度值数量-->参数3到参数4分成多少份 //参数6:返回的直方图 //参数7:返回每份的像素数量 GenRegionHisto(&ho_Region, hv_Histo, 255, 255, 1); //将一个直方图转换为一个区域 //参数1:返回的区域 //参数2:输入一个直方图 //参数3:该直方图中心y坐标 //参数4:该直方图...
gray_histocan be executed on OpenCL devices for byte, int1, directional and cyclic images if the OpenCL device supports the cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics and cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics extensions (which are optional in OpenCL 1.0). Unlike most other HALCON operators,gray_histocan...
gray_histocan be executed on OpenCL devices for byte, int1, directional and cyclic images if the OpenCL device supports the cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics and cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics extensions (which are optional in OpenCL 1.0). Unlike most other HALCON operators,gray_histocan...
The operator min_max_gray creates the histogram of the absolute frequencies of the gray values within Regions in the input image Image (see gray_histo) and calculates the number of pixels Percent corresponding to the area of the input image. Then it goes inwards on both sides of the histogra...
如有必要,会引发异常。 Alternatives select_gray See also entropy_image, gray_histo, gray_histo_abs, fuzzy_entropy, fuzzy_perimeter 模块 Foundation HDevelop例程 entropy_gray.hdev 计算图像的熵和各向异性 classify_wood.hdev 根据其表面纹理对不同种类的木材进行分类...
gray_histo (Domain, Image1, AbsoluteHisto, RelativeHisto) *计算直方图:指定区域 *为区域内的图像计算灰度值的绝对和相对直方图 *参数1:要计算直方图的区域 *参数2:要计算其灰度值分布的图像 *参数3:是指图像内0-255灰度值出现的次数-->直方图 *参数4:将上面的出现次数转化为频率,总合为1 ...
gray_histo_rangecalculates the gray value distributionHistoof the single channelImagewithinRegionsand the gray value range [Min,Max]. The values forMinandMaxare rounded down to the next integer if theImageis not of type'real'. The gray value range is divided intoNumBinsbins of the same size...