The hagfishes have a vertebrate pattern of organization but have some physiological and morphological characteristics that are distinctly ‘invertebrate’ in nature. For example and important for this review, unlike most other marine fish, hagfish are exclusively marine osmoconformers. The blood plasma...
Miyashita, T. & A. R. Palmer, 2014. Handed behavior in hag- fish--An ancient vertebrate lineage--And a survey of lateralized behaviors in other invertebrate chordates and elongate vertebrates. The Biological Bulletin 226: 111-120.Miyashita T, Palmer AR. Handed behavior in hagfish-an ancient...
Handed behavior in hagfish-an ancient vertebrate lineage and a survey of lateralized behaviors in other invertebrate chordates and elongate vertebrates Basically, it works just like the natural slime secreted by a hagfish living on the ocean floor. Navy Creates Military Slime To Deter Enemy Vessels...
Hagfishes (Myxinidae), a family of jawless marine pre-vertebrates, hold a unique evolutionary position, sharing a joint ancestor with the entire vertebrate lineage. They are thought to fulfil primarily the ecological niche of scavengers in the deep ocean
changed. such comparisons have already shown the jump from invertebrate to vertebrate was attended by a duplication of every gene in the genome, and an explosion in new types of microrna. "there are more micrornas acquired at the origin of vertebrates than at any other time in animal ...
of GnRH are generally found in either the midbrain or olfactory septum and their function are not well understood. The earliest evolved vertebrate for which a * Corresponding author. Fax: +1 603 862 4013. E-mail address: (S.A. Sower). ...
Evolutionary insights into gut acidification: Invertebrate-like mechanisms in the basal vertebrate hagfishdoi:10.1242/jeb.249641Proton pumpPostprandialAdenylyl cyclaseZymogenAgnathanBafilomycinAcidification is a key component of digestion throughout metazoans. The gut digestive fluid of many invertebra...
Evolution of Vertebrate Brains A.B.Butler, inEncyclopedia of Neuroscience, 2009 Hagfishes Thebrainof hagfishes is largely terra incognita, due to the difficulty of obtaining and working with these animals (which are covered with a copious quantity of secreted mucus) in a laboratory setting. Also...
Recently, using the Pacific hagfish (Eptatretus stouti, class Agnatha), a jawless scaleless marine vertebrate of ancient lineage, we determined that the deduced amino acid sequence of one thread IF chain (alpha, 66.6 kDa, native pI 7.5) contained an atypical, threonine-rich central rod domain...
The original word coined for these vertebrate cartilage-like tissues, “vorknorpel” (German: pre-cartilage) is thus also used to refer to connective tissues in invertebrate mollusks and vertebrate structures like the sesamoid nodule in the Achilles tendon [49,50]. Even still, these early ...