What is the closest ancestor to the lungfish according to a cladogram? Which is most closely related to the hagfish? a. Lamprey. b. Tunicate. c. Shark. d. Lancelet. What is a taxonomy of an organism? What is phylogeny? Desc...
Marine vertebrates are vertebrates that live in marine environments. These are themarine fishand the marine tetrapods (primarily seabirds, marine reptiles, and marine mammals). Vertebrates are a subphylum of chordates that have a vertebral column (backbone). Does a invertebrates have a backbone? In...
Organisms that have the neural crest and a cranium are part of the clade Craniata which includes the vertebrates and the hagfishes. The cranium and vertebral column are parts of the vertebrate axial skeleton. This provides the main support structure for the central trunk of the body and makes...