Find a string I think this solution could work, but in my opinion it's a bit unoptimized. Let's say in the sample test case: 'ABCDCDC' 'CDC', what your code does is that: s[0:0+3], s[1:1+3], s[2:2+3], ..., s[7:7+3]. The s[5:5+3] up to s[7:7+3] woul...
Basic Data Types Tuples 10 Easy Strings sWAP cASE 10 Easy Strings String Split and Join 10 Easy Strings What's Your Name? 10 Easy Strings Mutations 10 Easy Strings Find a string 10 Easy Strings String Validators 10 Easy...
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Let’s say you wanted to concatenate a string in C#, but you have no idea how. All you would have to do is search the query and hit enter. You’ll immediately get the accurate solution, as well as the opportunity to edit the code right in your search results. “In addition to ...
Search Connected Cells in a Grid 50 Greedy Grid Challenge 20 Greedy Maximum Perimeter Triangle 20 Greedy Beautiful Pairs 30 Graph Theory Breadth First Search - Shortest Reach 55 Strings Super Reduced String 10 Strings...
In the Quicksort challenges, you sorted an entire array. Sometimes, you just need specific information about a list of numbers, and doing a full sort would be unnecessary. Can you figure out a way to use your partition code to find the median in an array?
def repeat_string(s, n): repeated = (s * n)[:n] return repeated # 测试代码 s = input("请输入字符串:") n = int(input("请输入重复次数:")) result = repeat_string(s, n) print("重复后的字符串为:", result) 解释: 首先定义了一个名为repeat_string的函数,该函数接受两个参数s...
While these aren’t always C# specific, you’ll need to demonstrate proficiency in using C# constructs to implement your solution.Lastly, the coding questions. These are your opportunity to show off your practical C# skills. You might be asked to write a piece of code on a whiteboard, on ...