The venerable Game Boy is dead – and has been for a long time – after being replaced by the DS, DSi, DSi XL, and the 3DS. That doesn’t mean there’s nothing of value to the old Game Boy catalog; Pokemon Red/Blue is still as much fun as it was 15 years ago, and the game...
The venerable Game Boy is dead – and has been for a long time – after being replaced by the DS, DSi, DSi XL, and the 3DS. That doesn’t mean there’s nothing of value to the old Game Boy catalog; Pokemon Red/Blue is still as much fun as it was 15 years ago, and the game...
My last attempt will be to run it on regular DS mode instead of DSi. I will also attempt to run the same hack and same file on my Nintendo DS with a R4 flashcart (in which I've played other HGSS romhacks and the original Heart Gold/Soul Silver roms without much hassle). It's ...
For the price of a game, the retailer or sales channel takes about 30% off the top. Then there’s about 15% in licensing fees to Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo etc. Basically about half the cost of a game is in the distribution channel. The half that goes into developing consists mostly of l...