DR6000紫外可见光分光光度计,带RFID功能 标准配置包括 主机,电源线,矩形样品适配器(10mm, 20mm, 50mm, 1英寸)和圆形适配器(1英寸),1英寸 样品池,防尘罩,电子版用户手册CD,纸质印刷版用户手册 WRTUPGDR6000 WarrantyPlus,DR6000 Spectrophotometer 1 Visit ...
For those operating in a lab environment, the DR3900 and DR6000 benchtop spectrophotometers provide reliable, accurate measurements time after time. 对于那些在实验室环境中工作的人,DR3900和DR6000台式分光光度计一次又一次地提供可靠、准确的测量。 Is it important that you are able to conduct measuremen...
DR3900 Laboratory Spectrophotometer for water analysis Price:Contact Us Select Options LPV441.99.00012 DR6000 Benchtop Spectrophotometer Price:Contact Us Select Options 2495300 TKN Reagent Set Price:Contact Us Select Options Dimethylphenol Method (Simplified Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, s-TKN) ...
DR6000 Spectrophotometer Offering high-speed wavelength scanning across the UV and Visible Spectrum, the DR6000 is the industry’s most advanced laboratory spectrophotometer for water testing. Shop Now Manage My Communication Preferences Follow Us: ...
DR6000 Spectrophotometer Offering high-speed wavelength scanning across the UV and Visible Spectrum, the DR6000 is the industry’s most advanced laboratory spectrophotometer for water testing. Shop Now Manage My Communication Preferences Follow Us: ...
DR 6000 UV/vis Spectrophotometer and Chemistries DR-Series Spectrophotometers and Hach chemistries are built on over 7 decades of water quality innovation to provide the most accurate and reliable results. Hach’s integrated instrument-chemistry techniques are the industry standard.TitraLab® AT1000 Th...
搭配使用Hach DR 6000, 3900, 1900 描述Spectrophotometer Chemistry, High Range Hg-Free COD, 25 to 1000 mg/L; 150/PK 主要特点 Measures: High Range Hg-Free COD, 25 to 1000 mg/L Package: 6 x 25 关于该商品的更多信息 Dozens of options to cover most applications!
PC II: Single Parameter Colorimeter, DR1900: Portable VIS Spectrophotometer, DR3900: Benchtop VIS Spectrophotometer, DR6000: Benchtop UV-VIS Spectrophotometer Please note: Some methods require reagent blanks. For these, the numbe Open the catalog to page 4 The comprehensive Addista AQA system fo...
DR6000 Benchtop Spectrophotometer Price:Contact Us Select Options LXV325.99.30002 TSS HT sc Suspended Solids Sensors for high temperature media Price:Contact Us Select Options Add to Favorites LXV322.99.00002 TSS Portable Hand-held Turbidity, Suspended Solids, and Sludge Level System ...
of analysis, errors are significantly reduced. In addition, the user will receive a notification if shelf life of a TNTplus test has been expired. The RFID tag on each TNTplus box contains the lot specific Certificate of Analysis which can be read out with the DR 6000™ spectrophotometer....