1.4 Battery Pack The DR/2400 Spectrophotometer is equipped with 3 D-cell alkaline batteries to provide primary power for field operation. The alkaline batteries can supply the instrument with power to remain in operation for up to 200 hours. Note: The rechargeable pack can provide power to the...
curvesprogrammedintothespectrophotometer.Determine chlorideandammoniafor accurateresults. ImportantNote:COD2reagentsarenotapprovedforUSEPA reportingpurposes.BecauseCOD2reagentsdonotcontain mercuryasamaskingagent,theyexhibitapositive interferencefromchloride.RequestacopyoftheCOD ...
Distribution Monitoring Solution Brochure 6 Pages DR/5000 Spectrophotometer 4 Pages DR 6000 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer 4 Pages DR/800 Series Colorimeter Brochure 8 Pages Introduction to Ion-selective Measurement 7 Pages ph electrochemistry 13 Pages l2596 4 Pages l25592 4 Pages...
curvesprogrammedintothespectrophotometer.Determine chlorideandammoniafor accurateresults. ImportantNote:COD2reagentsarenotapprovedforUSEPA reportingpurposes.BecauseCOD2reagentsdonotcontain mercuryasamaskingagent,theyexhibitapositive interferencefromchloride.RequestacopyoftheCOD ...
LPV440.99.00012 db aa DR3900 SPECTROPHOTOMETER WITH RFID *,*-上海谷雨环保LPV440.99.10001 DR 3900 + LOC 100 *,*-上海谷雨环保LPV441.99.00002 DR 6000 UV VIS SPECTROPHOTOMETER W/O RFID TECH *,*-上海谷雨环保LPV441.99.00011 DR 6000 mit RFID *,*-上海谷雨环保LPV441.99.10002 DR 6000EDU UV VIS...
自身或作为配备齐全的便携实验室,dr/2400分光光度计可以随身携带到任何你想去的地方。 技术指标波长范围 400-880 nm带宽4nm ± 1 nm波长精度 ± 1 nm, 400 - 880 nm波长分辨率 1.0 nm波长选择 自动选择光学系统 concentric spectrophotometer波长标定 开电时自动标定光度范围 -3.2 to 3.2 abs光度分辨率 0.001...
自身或作为配备齐全的便携实验室,dr/2400分光光度计可以随身携带到任何你想去的地方。 技术指标波长范围 400-880 nm带宽4nm ± 1 nm波长精度 ± 1 nm, 400 - 880 nm波长分辨率 1.0 nm波长选择 自动选择光学系统 concentric spectrophotometer波长标定 开电时自动标定光度范围 -3.2 to 3.2 abs光度分辨率 0.001...