vaccineH5N1 avian influenza viruses (AIVs) have spread widely to more than 60 countries spanning three continents. To control the disease, vaccination of poultry is implemented in many of the affected countries, especially in those where H5N1 viruses have become enzootic in poultry and wild birds....
avian influenza A/H5N1The World Health Organization (WHO) regards avian influenza A/H5N1 as a global public health threat with pandemic potential. Between 2003 and October 12, 2007, WHO registered 331 laboratory-confirmed cases (202 fatal) of human H5N1 infection. Human-to-human transmission has...
Through direct contact with infected poultry, it caused the largest number of reported cases of severe disease and death in humans of any avian influenza strains. For pandemic preparedness, use of safe and effective vaccine adjuvants and delivery systems to improve vaccine efficacy are considered ...
Recently, considerable progress has been made toward the development of novel avian influenza (AI) vaccines, especially recombinant virus vector vaccines and DNA vaccines. Here, we will discuss the recent advances in vaccine development and use against H5N1 AIV in poultry. Understanding the properties...
Human influenza surveillance should be bolstered during the summer and before the usual human seasonal influenza wave begins in the fall. The timely development of vaccine candidates for both livestock and humans should be undertaken along with associated policies on their distribution. This is the ul...
H5N1 Vaccine There are several H5N1 vaccines for several of the avian H5N1 varieties, but the continual mutation of H5N1 renders them of limited use to date: while vaccines can sometimes provide cross-protection against related flu strains, the best protection would be from a vaccine specifical...
Generic Name:influenzaA (H5N1)vaccine Brand Name:Audenz Drug Class:Vaccines, Inactivated, Viral What is influenza A (H5N1) vaccine, and what is it used for? Influenza A (H5N1) vaccine is an inactivated viral vaccine used to immunize against H5N1 influenza, also known as avianflu. Influenza ...
influenza viruses isolated increased. During December, influenza A(H3N2) was the most commonly isolated influenza strain in Hong Kong, although influenza A(H1N1) and B viruses also were identified. The currently available inactivated trivalent influenza vaccine contains influenza A(H1N1), A(H3N2), ...
6) H5N1 avian influenza H5N1禽流感 例句>> 补充资料:流感疫苗 流感疫苗 influenza vaccine 选用当时当地流行的流感病毒株制成的减毒活疫苗,但由于流感免疫的时间短,病毒易变异,疫苗接种后少数病人又有发热及上呼吸道感染等不良反应,因此尚不够理想。现正试用神经氨酸酶特异性的甲型流感病毒疫苗进行接种。 说明:...
Antigenicity analysis shows that the H5-Re14 vaccine strains currently used in China match well with the virus. It indicates that H5 and H7 trivalent inactivated avian influenza vaccines can effectively protect immunized poultry from the virus. ...