The operation is not supported on the specified fan. Fan 1: The operation is not supported on the specified fan. Fan 2: The operation is not supported on the specified fan. Fan 3: The operation is not supported on the specified fan. Power 1: The operation is not supported on the speci...
The operation is not supported on the specified chassis. Slot 0 CPU 0: DEVICE_NAME : LS-9804 DEVICE_SERIAL_NUMBER : 210235A1AUH138000008 MAC_ADDRESS : 7425-8AC7-23E4 MANUFACTURING_DATE : 2015-08-19 VENDOR_NAME : H3C Slot 1 CPU 0: DEVICE_NAME : LSVM1QGS12SA1 DEVICE_...
h3c S5120-28P-PWR-SI开启poe功能不成功,求救,截图见下面,接口下输入poe enable提示the operation is not successful,交换机接口起不来,请求各位大神帮忙分析一下到底是什么原因导致,万分感谢! 附件下载: 154f19469fb2225d04f2827f03c441d.jpg 380cf559e906ad3aa464982601d3f9e.jpg 1904579d6fa0c4714a4803617...
12、ADDRESS : 7425-8AD9-3293MANUFACTURING_DATE : 2013-08-29VENDOR_NAME : H3CPower 1: The operation is not supported on the specified power.Power 2: Error: Failed to display the manufacture information of the specified power.#可查看设备的序列号,本例为210235A0X8H138000042;设备的出厂日期:2013...
The operation is not supported on the specified fan. Fan 2: The operation is not supported on the specified fan. Power 1: DEVICE_NAME : LSPM1AC360 DEVICE_SERIAL_NUMBER : 210231A2PHH172000103 MANUFACTURING_DATE : 2017-02-10 VENDOR_NAME : H3C Power 2: DEVICE_NAME : LSPM1AC360 DEVICE_...
Link speed type is autonegotiation, link duplex type is autonegotiation Flow-control is not supported The MaximumFrame Length is 1536 Broadcast MAX-ratio: 100% . 常用物理层相关命令 常用物理层相关命令 端口信息显示命令:displayinterface PVID: 1 ...
AP operation mode : Normal Portal Service : Disable Device Detection : Disable Maximum Number of Radios : 2 Current Number of Radios : 2 Client Keep-alive Interval : Disable Client Idle Interval(s) : 3600 Broadcast-probe Reply Status : Enable Radio 1: Basic BSSID : 0023-8949-3d20...
Thisoperationmighttakesometime.Donotperformanyotheroperationsuntiltheoperationiscompletedorafailuremessageisdisplayed.Pleasewait...Failed. Invalidactivationfile. 注意:安装新license会基于单机规格进行判断,只要现有license安装数小于设备单机的最大支持AP数,能安装新的license,并且新license步长上不做限制;如现有安装licens...
The operation is not supported on the specified fan. Fan 2: The operation is not supported on the specified fan. Power 1: DEVICE_NAME: LSPM1AC360 DEVICE_SERIAL_NUMBER : 210231A2PHH172000103 MANUFACTURINGDATE : 2017-02-10 Power 2: DEVICE_NAME DEVICE_SERIAL_NUMBER : 210231A2PHH172000157 ...