设备第一次上电,空配置启动的话就会存在这个提示,不影响正常使用,按照提示跳过即可 ...
The main application file is self-decompressing... ...Done! System is starting... Startup configuration file does not exist. It will take a long time to get configuration file, please wait... Press CTRL_C to break Retrieving configuration file failed! User interface aux0 is available. Pres...
Startup configuration file does not exist. It will take a long time to getconfiguration file, please wait... Press CTRL_C to break Retrieving configuration file failed! User interface aux0 is available. Press ENTER to get started. <H3C> 七、删除旧固件,并为当前交换机保存配置文件 <H3C>del ...
<H3C>reset saved-configurationThe saved configuration file will be erased. Are you sure? [Y/N]:yConfiguration file does not exist!<H3C>rebootStart to check configuration with next startup configuration file, please wait...DONE!Current configuration may be lost after the reboot, save current con...
WA5320-FIT最后报错Startup configuration file does not exist. Line con0 is available. Press ENTER to get started.按ENTER没反应,开机时按ctrl+B也没反应串口设置如下:波特率:9600数据位:8奇偶校验:无停止位:无流控:无串行中断长度:100 组网及组网描述: WA5320-FIT最后报错Startup configuration file does no...
选4 delete file from flash 根据具体情况来选 startup.cfg 我这次实验是5. delete it: yes or No[Y/N] 是否删除,填Y (大小写无所谓) 然后选0 Reboot 重新启动。 看到这里就恢复完了 Startup configurationfiledoes not exist. It will take alongtimeto get configurationfile, pleasewait... ...
Startup configuration file does not exist. User interface con0 is available. Press ENTER to get started. 2. AP从V7老Fat/Fit版本手动升级到V7新Fat/Fit版本。 对于AP通过Bootware菜单从V7老版本手动升级为V7新版本的情况,首先需要获取到正确的AP IPE文件,然后通过BootWare菜单导入版本文件,AP的IPE文件可以在...
| |<3> Set Configuration File type | |<4> Delete File | |<0> Exit To Main Menu Enter your choice(0-4): 1 ——显示所有文件 Display all file(s) in flash: 'M' = MAIN 'B' = BACKUP 'S' = SECURE 'N/A' = NOT ASSIGNED ...
This command will set the boot file. Continue? [Y/N]:y The specified file will be used as the main boot file at the next reboot on slot 1! <H3C>reboot Start to check configuration with next startup configuration file, please wait...DONE! This command...
Startup configuration file does not exist. User interface con0 is available. Press ENTER to get started. 键入<Enter>后,屏幕出现: <H3C> 该提示符表明设备已经进入用户视图,可以对设备进行配置了。5 设备的软件维护5.1 简介5.1.1 设备管理的文件WX5004有三类文件需要管理,分别是:·...