待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有 The configuration file does not exist问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 配置文件不存在 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 该配置文件不存在 匿名 2013-05-23 12:24:58 配置文件不存在 匿名 2013-05-23 12:26:38 配置文件不存在 匿名 2013-05-23 12:2...
您应该问的是the config file does not exist是什么意思这句话的意思为:配置文件不存在,他的解决办法为:开机按F8键,进入安全模式,也许会有改善。如能进去,那就再重启电脑,继续按F8键:此时可以选择使用【“最后一次正确的配置”启动Windows】选项来解决诸如新添加的驱动程序与硬件不相符之类问题的...
.\migration.exe execute -config .\configuration.json [Error]: The config file does not exist, nor does the default 'configuration.json'. Use 'init' to create a configuration file first I don't understand why it says the config file doesn't exist when it is in the same directory. Any ...
本人前端菜鸡一只,最近公司项目新增需求,之前一直是别人在维护, 前端使用了pHp 搭的一个框架,使用了memcached插件,项目运行以后, 登录的时候报错,The API configuration file does not exist. 很烦,不知...
can anyone please tell me how to solve this Configuration file does not exists , run setup.sh first for config .
After restoring the configuration file, you must restart the device to make the configuration take effect. Run the startup saved-configuration command to specify the next startup configuration file unless the configuration file name does not change. Then run the reboot command to restart the device...
By default, the system does not periodically save configurations. Before saving configurations, the system compares the configurations with those in the configuration file. Automatic saving of configurations is triggered in the following scenarios: The configurations are inconsistent with those saved last ...
EAF system: A toggle specified in the configuration file (\\at-plm02\NX_Zentralisierung\NX2306\CustomerDefaults\Site\EarlyAccessFeatures\setup_ft.fcg) does not exist in the current version of NX so it is ignored. Some lines below that, the syslog says: ...
If the corresponding file does not exist, we recommend that you reinstall the SSH software package. You can also try to upload normal files from outside by using FTP or other methods. Run the following command to restart the SSH service: service sshd restart Note Note:...